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Got some free time today so I did this!NK 初音ミク by me ( Croquis, ExShadow 2.0, ExSSAO, HgPointLight, KiraKira, CheapLens, AutoLuminous4.2, AntiShading, Night Fog, like HDR, Bleach Bypass, PostRim Light, ikBokeh, ikOveray, ikLensGhost, Alternative Full, ExtendShadow, ikHatching.

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トニー「婆様が言ってた。団結だ」 椛 「……」

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自律型無人潜水機です、一応人も乗れる設計になってるみたいです^0^ 急潜水、急浮上でき機動性が高いです、魚雷x12個(?)あります~

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陸上自衛隊の戦闘ロボットです( *՞ਊ՞*)ノ

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あの過酷な世界に無垢な心で頑張ってるスノウくん 愛着が出てきたので描いてみたw まだシーズン6までしか見てないけど、これからの活躍が楽しみw

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I tried to create the character of Sebastian in Black Butler. although it does not really look like the original, I still got as close as I could (and I'm proud of it!) LOL especially since I discovered this anime, I became a big fan! PS: on the other hand I could have added as title "an impossible love" because Sebastian is a demon who loves this woman, but this woman hates Sebastian because it is a demon ... V Anyway ... lol if it interests someone I could make a brief summary of the story! -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Credits, - Akira: Cogeta Cats - Sebastian : Cogeta Cats - Stage: dimentionalalice - Pose: Cogeta Cats

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'80sファッションです、mc Sister(昭和60年2月号)を参考にしました。 エスパーのマグダレナちゃん Magdalena Ogórek(1969-1989) ポーランドの女の子でワルシャワ条約機構軍の部隊にいます^0^プライドが高くて負けん気が強いです、ちょっとだけ足が太いのを気にしてます(@_@。

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so yeah this is my persona hikari and my new oc, i havent got a name for her yet

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The work is not over yet...i still got 2 more to rebuild again,and time is only problem.

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The droptanks with the air piloting was able to escaping by massive explosion with consciousness corruption on organization laboratories being accused from the majorly problem onto place, It was finally managed got out and escaped by the thousands upon on flames in laboratories. ==================================================== Droptanks Escaping From The Organizations Labs Pencil Line Sketches --------------------------- [Crew] Traditional Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Production Contribution with Mountain King Studios, Inc. ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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O.o! I never know nico nico got such thingy :3 hope you guy like it 気に入って頂けるといいのですが (hope you like it) みんなこんにちは 私はシンガポールから 日本言語は、私は少し知っている ごめんなさい (>w

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The leading snakes by calling with reinforcements figure that Scorpion got took off slavery snakes soldiers, One of the snakes being called up and getting fight current in the scene. ==================================================== Snakes Calling Reinforcements Into Treatment Pencil Line Sketches --------------------------- [Crew] Traditional Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Production Contribution with Mountain King Studios, Inc. ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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Maxwell Plitzer was 26 year old human who got into a car-accident, and was reborn as a Frankenstein-like monster called a "Bunyip" (an Australian mythical monster), thanks to a mad taxidermist/scientist. Now under the name of Mxyalplex (mix-yall-plex), or Myx for short, he must stop the taxidermist from doing the same thing to other people. With the help of the taxidermist's kind-hearted niece, Ellie Gore, and gaining the abilities of the animals he's part of, there's no stopping Myx now.

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サクッと描きました 彼女はあまり笑顔にならないのですがここでは微笑んでます^_^

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我终于拿到了我的笔。 我終於拿到了我的筆。 I finally got my pen.

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Kemika Len And Rin was entering the Throwback game of the years, Sincerely were that entering for Windows 95 to Kemika Len And Rin variously are the topics about the game developer and designer by people was the popular one hits is Terminal Reality titled: "Fury 3" some of the Kemika Len And Rin favorable windows indie games at all times. Nearly after from 20 years of Windows 95 is giving throwbacks some difference any classic games are sharing personal to be played as shareware and commercial full game products. Kemika Len and Rin was also they liked the classic indie windows games for Windows 95 back in 1995 sincerely they're got made the Independent computer games based their the full in-house game development studios somewhere in Worldwide.

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The leading snakes by calling with reinforcements figure that Scorpion got took off slavery snakes soldiers, One of the snakes being called up and getting fight current in the scene. ==================================================== Snakes Calling Reinforcements Into Treatment --------------------------- [Crew] Traditional Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Production Contribution with Mountain King Studios, Inc. ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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正直すまんかった・・・・ 画像は藤原〇〇的な歪みを・・・・ You've got me burnin', you've got me burnin' You've got me burnin' in the third degree You've got me burnin', you've got me burnin' You've got me burnin' in the third degree

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