セガなま を含むイラストが 303 件見つかりました ( 61 - 80 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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Blade, a 15 year old boy with powers. He can fly,run fast, spring out his blades and is able to turn super with Chaos Emeralds. Its Blades duty to protect his city from evil.

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Submition for Sega's Mascot Design contest. Because Red and Blue always have to struggle each other.

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Its name is Piko Nico! Its a loveable ball. The ball over its rice ball shape body is a display for its emotions. A heart for love. A question mark for curiosity. Its ears help it fly as they spin above its head. It wears shoes similar on its tiny feet under its wide belly. It also has facial expressions that is similar to those emotes used online!

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チャッピーは、趣味がないので、ないかなと最近思ってました。 そして、セガなまの放送を、タイムシフトで見て、これは、いい趣味になりそうと思い、書いてみました。 絵のセンスは0ですが、愛情を込めて書いてみましたw。 まぁ、この、キャラクターが最優秀賞に選ばれないのは、分かっております。 また、書きたいと思います。

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Se(sega)ra(raw)ko(nico) Sega Raw Mascot Entry

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If he do nothing for a long time, he gets bored easily, that´s why he love doing exciting things all the time!

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Admiral Hawkins' games would feature hunting down pirates on sea with a bird-of-prey-like game play, much like a hawk, as her name would imply.

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SUPER-Nico a mutant Hamster! After being in contact with the OPA OPA project (A Nuclear bomb) he gained imaginable powers! He's funny, he loves jokes and he loves to help others. His favorite food is Sunflower seeds.

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Despite being a hulking abomination, Edmund has the heart of a child. He escaped from the place where he was created, and tries to help out wherever he can, but sometimes his size and strength get in the way! The kinds of games he might star in could be largely puzzle-based and aimed at a wider audience, focusing around Edmund using both strength and creativity to solve environmental puzzles--puzzles that don't increase by requiring more strength, but rather, by requiring more gentleness and dexterity.

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The game have to add many references to another videogames franchises, like megaman, or metal gear solid or even metroid! You are playing the game and... -Hey, that enemy is too hard to ki... OMG OMG.. I DID A HADOUKEN!! :O

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『セガなま』と書いてある旗を背負っている彼女の名は『イエローガール』 頭の上にのっかってるアンテナで全国へ放送を配信している。 (本人は世界に配信したいと思っている) あのアイアイがいるのはまあ気にしないでくれたまえ。 (ついでに言うと、アイアイの服の文字はNと書いてある。Nは名越さんの頭文字(『 N 』agosi)) よく見ると服にSEGAと描いてある。 後光がさしそうなほどハキハキした少女なのである。 よくみたら、このアイアイ、おでこに電波マークがある。生放送専用アイアイなのだ←え? で、コンセントがあるが、少女のしっぽである。 このコンセントをさせば充電ができるぞ!(充電不足になると放送できなくなる。)

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ウルドゥー語で『ありがとう』という意味です。 いつも月の船の中で魚釣りしてるのです。 セガサターンを探し求める男。 セガサターンを探し過ぎて目がサターン 探して、サターンのことを知ることに・・・セガへの愛情が深まっていく。 そして、彼はいうのだ。『セガ シュクリヤ・・・』と・・・。

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セガに夢中を略して、セガチュー 別名、セガの宇宙 チューをスペチャンのチューにして、ピアノをとりつけたりしました。 ヘビと名越さんをイメージしました。脱げます(脱皮)。

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Nico-Neko is a being who doesn't have arms but it has hands, on his hands he uses Boxing Gloves he doesn't have legs either yet he uses some cool sneakers! NN(Nico-Neko) Can shoot his hands and feet like cannon balls to defeat his enemies or to grab unto high places! Once a Normal cat Nico-Neko was brought into a lab where they modified his DNA so he could become intelligent and obtain his new skills! Later he manages to escape from the lab and starts living in the streets, sadly the other cats consider him a freak and so he lives alone emerged in sadness till one day he finds an old super-hero comic! He reads it (since he's intelligent now)he reads the comic and decides to use his powers to help mankind! Later the lab finds out about what he's doing and so they send other experiments after him. He's joyful and communicative! He loves jokes but he's kinda of a pervert. His favorite food is Chocolate.

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