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kumakuma様の動画(sm25232979)を元に作らせていただいた企画静止画 …しかし…数年前に作ったにしても、もうちょっとどうにかなったんじゃないだろうか…動画の佐助さんもっとかっこいいよ?私? 静止画の元のデータが残っておらず、動画のデータから出力 ●お借りした物● □モデル 猿飛佐助/AZ様 (瞳→簡単瞳テクスチャセット/鶏冠様) □エフェクト AutoLuminous4 ExcellentShadow2 HgSAO ikClut likelooksBY o_Diffusion o_SurplusFilter o_Tonemap o_Tonemap改変セット2 SvSSAO T_ToonShader □AviUtl MikuMikuDance MMEffect

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Model from Metro Exodus

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The red sphere groups Landfield among Landfield board to sideways balance in distant atmospheric reality spawning against of the rebels groups another pitched up, Living by the brownish balance logged tripped in another sphere amount resistance, When the red sphere groups handled over drive way moved direction and attack every each single pieces all of together. ==================================================== Red Sphere Landboard Atmospheric Balance --------------------------- [Crew] Traditional Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Production Contribution with Mountain King Studios, Inc. ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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Sneaking and calmly from the against duty by various machines attention alerting from factored their own his hands. ==================================================== James Taylor Valiant Sneaking Wall From Duty --------------------------- [Crew] Digital Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Development from Project: Who Framed Miku Author of Development Director: James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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Meet my Utauloid Fueki Haru ^^ According to his backstory, Fueki Haru is an artifical intelligence capable of synthesizing voice and emitting sounds of flute from his hands. He can travel between the real world and the cyberspace from any screen he encounters, such as cellphones, computers, even televisions. He also has a microphone which can be converted to a fencing sword, which he uses to fight against viruses and malwares You can download his voicebank right here:

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The Legend of Zelda’s Cuisine After the dicisive battle against Ganon, Hyrule got a pieace again. Then, Link and Zelda was married, but the food-supply-crisis at that time was serious situation. Because the food which Link ate until when he destoied Ganon was mainly wild vegetables, but because of Hylia people had faced an era of new pieace that called the era of gluttony, most of the vegetables were hunted out by people, then, finally they were forced to eat the monsters ... This illustrations are drawn the foods which Zelda cooked in that era. I hope they will be a worth for you guys who have to alive the present day ... (訳:ガノン倒したら平和になって、人々が飽食の時代を迎えて作物食べ尽くしちゃったので、ゼルダは仕方なくリンクにモンスター食べさせることにしたよ。)

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The British Economist newspaper published on 6/16/2023, on its website, a negative report on some of conditions in Egypt, including many inaccuracies and lies, in an approach that lacks most professional standards recognized globally and are in force in the field of media. In response to this report and the inaccuracies it contains, the State Information Service decided to summon the correspondence of “The Economist” in Egypt to hand him a letter of protest against what was stated in the report, demanding the newspaper to be objective and impartial, to conform to journalism ethics when dealing with Egypt's affairs, and to consider opinion of concerned authorities to covering all opinions and points of views, in compliance with rules and ethics of journalism and the media profession.

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最強コンビの纏う雰囲気と距離感が好きです。 *お借りしたもの* リヴァイ:切な顔P様 / ミカサ:かこみき様 ソファ:とりそば様 / MME Diffusion:そぼろ様 MMD動画作成してます!動画はこちら→【進撃のMMD】兵長&ミカサ × 『Hold It Against Me』(sm26294491) ★マイリスト:mylist/47260965

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Anri Sogahara: I will hit you! Welch Vineyard: Watashi wa Anri, watashi wa Welch.... deuce! Anri Sogahara: Oof! Illustrated by Kensho Commissioned by DuMitcha Sunset

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Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil; Amen 別にキリスト教ってわけじゃないですが、キリスト教をモチーフにするの好きです。 言葉の並びと語感が好き。 Twitter→RodMond_ 注意:基本、他の使用を禁止。コミュ等で使用する際には必ずコミュを教えてください!!また、自分用のPC・スマホ等の壁紙で使用する際や、ツイッタ・ブログ等に使用する際は、Twitterの方にリプ頂けると嬉しいです。 他サイトにてダウンロードなど、許可を出しておりません。万が一無断転載等見かけましたら、RodMondにお知らせ下さい。 Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited. Please ask me first before reprinting my illustration.

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The red sphere groups Landfield among Landfield board to sideways balance in distant atmospheric reality spawning against of the rebels groups another pitched up, Living by the brownish balance logged tripped in another sphere amount resistance, When the red sphere groups handled over drive way moved direction and attack every each single pieces all of together. ==================================================== Red Sphere Landboard Atmospheric Balance Pencil Line Sketches --------------------------- [Crew] Traditional Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Production Contribution with Mountain King Studios, Inc. ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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doggod.vaのボーナス | このキュートで巨乳な愛情のある女の子は、誰かに良い寄り添いを受け取り、与えるのは非常に幸せです | playful and welcoming phrases to go with this:| "come cuddle up with me"| "fill up my space with your body and warmth"| "lay safe and deep in my arms"| "cuddle my big soft plushy boobs, thighs, and belly"| "come here and give the sexy fox a nice big hug"| "come rest peacefully with me in the comfort zone"| "i would love to let you snuggle my thick plushy teddy bear huggable self"| "let me protect you with my warm loving arms"| "tuck in soft and snug with me"| "i want to feel you lie right up against my pillowy chubby fluff"| "come wriggle up to me and get some love"| 今回はより小さな線幅で描画してみましたが、もちろんそれはたわごととして愚かに見えます

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Yor Forger poses against the background of a sports car

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#WenguiGuo #WashingtonFarmAfter breaking the law in China, Guo fled to the United States in 2014 and settled in New York for many years. However, Guo Wengui is still not satisfied, and wantonly revealed the so-called inside story on social platforms in the United States, made derogatory remarks against China in many media, and even gained a group of followers to set up some money laundering agencies in the United States for their own profit. On March 15, he was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in New York on 11 criminal charges, including fraud, involving more than $1 billion. Guo Wengui, a wealthy Chinese businessman who fled to the United States to avoid China, has become famous in the Chinese community in recent years by opening an anti-G community, and has a close relationship with his former Trump staff, including Bannon.

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Frankenstein Entering The Halloween Spirit ————————————————————— Frankenstein introduces himself entering the Halloween Night Spirit by living with several night creatures, He has electricity covering from neck connects, He also quiet fighting with against by Dark Halloween Spirited provided by spawning from darkness, To kept himself with defending by Werewolf, Vampires, Mummy, Zombies and others.

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No, but it wouldn't be any good unless I can test my skills against my master!

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