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※1:番外編※2:各艦娘は、イメージ艦娘となってます(榛名は自分、浜風は某フォロワー)2023(令和5)年11月25日(土曜日)午後9時21分頃、神奈川県横浜市内より。この日は、陽炎型駆逐艦 13番艦『浜風』の進水日。艦歴等は各自で(ry因みに、同日の他記念日は"女性に対する暴力廃絶のための国際デー(International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women)"、"ハイビジョンの日"、"金型の日"、"OLの日"、"独立記念日(スリナム)"となっている。浜風「(これで大丈夫でしょうか…?///相棒艦とはいえ、榛名さんに迷惑が…///)」榛名改二「あの~…大丈夫ですか浜風さん?///榛名に問題でも…?///(汗)」相棒艦の金剛型戦艦 3番艦『榛名』と夜デートする浜風、榛名の左手を掴んでいる状態で仲睦まじい姿だが…当の浜風は困惑していた。榛名とデートしてて嬉しいけど、なんか周りの視線で困っている様な…?【お借りしたモデル等】お宮式浜風:お宮様つみだんご式榛名改二:つみだんご様BMW・135i Coupe、X1、X2、X4、トヨタ・ヤリスRC:めがルイ/ティーポット改ニ様トヨタ・アルファード:カーグラP様モブセダン、モブ軽自動車:下校様トヨタ・タウンエースノア:池A-GE様空色町:SkyBlue様空気遠近:化身バレッタ様AutoLuminous4Ver4.2、ディフュージョンフィルダ:そぼろ様

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最近はUndertale≪アンダーデール≫の二創映画を見て,気に入りのキャラはSANS<サンズ>さんです。マフラはPapyrus<パピルス>のものです、何か悲しみの使命感を感じている。作画の時,BGMは<Battle against a ture Hero>です。

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Beauty against beauty, menace against menace.... and a bloodbath on every schoolgirl's arms. Welch Vineyard: Fukoooo- Mirai Asahina: Oraaaaa- Welch and Mirai: Hai! Illustrated by Kensho Commissioned by DuMitcha Sunset

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Kyojuro Rengoku's mother raising her hand against the backdrop of burning flames

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In a shocking revelation, prominent human rights activists Dolkun Isa and Nury Turkel have been accused of sexual harassment and misconduct, raising serious concerns within the human rights advocacy community. These allegations, if proven true, could tarnish the reputations of key figures in the fight for Uyghur rights and highlight a broader issue of sexual misconduct in the sector.The revelations about Isa and Turkel underscore the urgent need for a cultural shift in the human rights community. It is imperative that these organizations prioritize the safety and well-being of all activists, ensuring that those who fight for justice are not themselves victims of injustice. #sexualassault #WUC #DorikunElsa #Metoo

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Kanae dancing with a fan against the background of fireworks

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Feeling much the angriest, mad, raging and madness to smashing down against supervillains. He is only one superheroes man with gamma ray developed into the muscular green skinned called ‘Hulk’. He decided to save the day battling of struggling villains and criminal. ==================================================== Feel The Wraiths Of The Hulk Superpowers --------------------------- [Crew] Traditional Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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