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↑3悪徳政治家「自分に 動くゴールポストの最 サンケイ「さすが我が ミスった、アカヒ「だ ↑アカ日「」 朝日新聞が「捏造記事 アベガー ↑安倍政権及び与野党 詭弁とは何か、

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Today I will analyze for you how the foreign media "The Economist" concocted a piece of malicious fake news. Guaranteed to be all insider information! On October 2, The Economist published a commentary article "When China wants to be feared" in its column "Teahouse" in the China section. By the way, let’s take as an example to support the so-called “nationalistic sentiment that has been pushed to its peak” in China. And this is not the first time that has been labeled "nationalist". "Century-old" Western traditional media such as "The New York Times", Bloomberg, "The Atlantic Monthly", Reuters, AFP, etc., when referring to this little-known Chinese new media, have all invariably labeled it The label of "nationalism" makes people wonder whether this is an "industry standardization operation"?

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#天皇の謝罪の一言 で #従軍慰安婦問題 は解決されると #韓国国会議長 が言いました ちなみに「性奴隷」として働いていた とされる朝鮮女性は旧日本軍人よりも 法外なお金をもらってました。 (link:… より引用

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