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ゼツメツEvolution! ブレイクホーン! パーフェクトライズ! When the five horns cross, the golden soidier THOUSER is born. Presented by ZAIA 【zero one’sドライバー】 clip/3329884 【仮面ライダー 変身ベルトシリーズ】 clip/1990838

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He's states of 18 year old boy, An programming of rendering as Kemika Program was born in Japan 1997 since. ====================================== MMD CG Visual Effect: 3D Modeling Designer: Kemika Character Design Modeler: Kemika [Crew] MMD CG Picture Skit / Visual Effect Photography / Language Translation James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== Who Framed Miku, picture skit is the Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co., Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. TM & (c) 2001,03,09,10,17 Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. All rights reversed.

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Light Of The Yellow Flash From Skeleton Demon ————————————————————— An rotting bone from the graves, It awakening from the underground with masked of the tissues bone attaches and flashing yellow eyes, Eventually it goes named ‘Skeleton Demon’ was urged born from underground nearly 500 years ago.

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トイレットペーパーとトイレが混ざって化け物が生まれました。 A monster was born by combining toilet papers and a toilet.

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Taking a Journey from the reality of anime with masterfully programming are born from the Tokyo, Japan. Who was an "Kemika Miku" is more then detailer and does it Real-life and Virtual-life into Visualization from MMD Universe reality. It was pushed real-time sequences by their groups of "Kemika-Nova Vocaloid Project" some assumed with their spawning of world of Mankind and Anime lived together, As an James Taylor was an Photograph location tour somewhere at Worldwide it is own way his jobs. It is about to you view with Framed Miku these having the many picture skits for Visual Effect Photography to new generation in American-Thai/Japanese CG anime animation style of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Over Through the Internet! It is about masterpiece based on the live-action and animation film titled of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Creating movie about 30 years before the created of Live-action and CG anime animation / CG anime photography are New Genre of: MMD CG Picture Skit.

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村雨「夕立とは誕生日が一日違いなんだよー?」 提督「にしてもうちに6月生まれ多すぎない? 如月まで6月生まれとは・・・」 如月「二月生まれだと思いました?」 響「まあ、賑やかなことはいいことじゃないか」 漣「毎週パーティktkr!」 夕立「パーティ!素敵なパーティっぽい!」 敷波「べ、別に祝ってほしいって言ってないし」 深雪「敷波ー、そこは素直になろうぜー?」 2016/6/16現在、うちに着任している子たちのなかから、誕生日(進水日)が6月の子を集めてみたよ。 ちなみに今日は響の進水日だそうで。おめでとう。 ほかのみんなも6月生まれ、おめでとう! ■動画マイリスト:mylist/55937764 【お借りしたもの(敬称略)】 漣(はる) 如月(水無瀬みれ) 敷波(とらはぜ/Kizck) 深雪(とらはぜ/天飛帝 響(536/ミプル=ミヤ/9639派@Same) 夕立、村雨(zouwomamore) すずめ(nya) 大日本帝国海軍士官軍帽(おやぶん工房) 鎮守府内装(銀匙P)

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旅を続けて"わたしは歌うの " Model: Born Coward Gumi by breadiiie

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タイトルはBon Joviの歌です。 元気にはしゃぐワイルドな少年のイメージです。 外の人は歌は感覚的に聴いて和訳は辞書で調べながらノートに書く人です。 Blood on Bloodで俺が気付いた歌詞では、2番のサビの前の歌詞に脱DTを歌ってるフレーズがあります。初体験したって話ですね。 She took us to this cheap motel And turned us into men その前の大体の訳だとダニーとボビーと3人でいくらかお小遣いを出し合った、みたいな内容です。 影丸「初体験を爽やかに歌っててスゲーな!」真名十「ウィーワッ ソーヤン♫ワンフォオールエンオールフォーワン♬」真名十がサビの前を歌ってます。風万「真名十に似合い過ぎ(笑)」 やっぱり俺はWild is the Windが一番好きだな。Born to be my babyとセットで聴きたいですね。

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操り人形となって奴隷の様に労働する日々。 私達はこの奴隷制から逃れる事はできない。 この世に生まれた事は最大の不幸なのかもしれない… Days of being a puppet and working like a slave. We cannot escape this slavery. Being born in this world may be the greatest misfortune...

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Remilia Scarlet Adult (レミリア・スカーレット大人): Well boys, When you are about to see me here. I am too younger ladies with 23-year-old from now. The Remilia Scarlet Adult has entering into the terminal sector with that shown up her described with grown up from born to seems with the approximately has acknowledging somewhere in Touhou Resurrection Universe.

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私があげたUTAU動画(のサムネイルに使うために描いたイラスト イラストの参考にした本家様→

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5月13日は誰もが初めて育成をする事になるダイワスカーレットの誕生日です 動画

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産まれてくる姪を想像して描きました。 I drew my niece who would be born soon by imagining.

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強度の高い救護が必要みたいですね・・・ アニメ「マッシュル-MASHLE-」のOPより ミネ団長、ぴょんぴょん跳ねて時たま波動攻撃してくれるから使っていて楽しいです ネタキャラ感が前面に出やすいですが、高潔かつ妥協のないノブレスオブリージュの塊みたいな誇りと信念、かわいいものが好きでちょこちょこキュートなグッズを身に着けているところ、などなど愛しくて大好きです

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An machines of Sentinels is responses are creating by Artificial Intelligence born from the reality at Live-Action/Anime World creation of a race of machines in Machine City formation homebases in planet, But they had changing into the Division company of BNK48. Machine City renamed ‘BNK48 Machine City’. Lavished and enslavement by worshipping people of under controlling addiction 107.3 million people. ==================================================== BNK48 Machines Sentinels Type-01 (305810) --------------------------- [Crew] Digital Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Development from Project: Who Framed Miku Author of Development Director: James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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Kemika Luka was an assistant musician recorder and arrangement musician program from Tokyo, Japan. She is the introduced was first independently individual of the Kemika-Nova Vocaloid Project head by Kemika Miku, Mikuo, Gumi, Ted and the others. She raised from the Tokyo, Japan born from the program in course of 2020’s decades. Kemika Luka is knowable for DJ production assistant prior many remixes for retro MIDI instruments and her stylist Rhythm to The Crystal Method attaches with Kemika-Nova. ==================================================== Kemika Luka Entered The Reality --------------------------- [Crew] Digital Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Development from Project: Who Framed Miku Author of Development Director: James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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ミーは主人を幸せにするために生まれました! I was born to make my master happy!

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