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クッキー豚の馴れ合い 夢夢ペア コメ欄のノリがキツい あやしーくんアル中ガ 神主さん長年に渡る精 アル中和柄ガイコツ、 アル中ガイコツほんと ZUNの方が寄ってきて 嘘つ

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宿儺との最終決戦!。 コメントを頂き有難う 真希ちゃん、武器、ク 天与呪縛に迷いなし。

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かわいい YUH姉貴長さランキン ゆひはばけものじゃな 画像拡大しないとはっ 新作マリオでこんなん たてながゆうひぃ 先輩!ゆひッス! すごく長くていいと思 ゆひのクソな

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どういう存在なんです ピラミッドのてっぺん 強そう、生態系の上位 メカ・デル・ソルかっ サケノミかわいい オグルかな? 搾精機付いてるやん! 多分光器パーフェクト エン

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大丈夫だチャンスはま 遠い目だ・・・

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クーポン券とかついて 定期購読したい ↑クリーチャー視線で 空色町の住みやすさは

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畜ペンのペン折られそ オイ後ろ、自重しろ! この後滅茶苦茶〇〇〇 畜ペンは平常運転です 後ろがひどい(ほめ言 おいしそう ヲイw畜ペン野生開放

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パルスィ「私の中の私 格好良い 格好良い こう言う似た構図の絵 この眼光で狙うは、彼 こういうのも良いね。 超かっけぇ(ㆀ˘・з・˘)

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下の四角形の頭が好き i like this

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観ました!!とにかくカ これ見ました!原曲よ 無駄ァ…… ↑ありがとうございま お疲れ様です!

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I made up this creature myself. He is not of an animal that exists. I can never think of a name to give him. I leave that up to you. I am not skilled enough at Japanese yet! I'm sorry! I am using very simple words so that you can read and translate this well.

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Creature from the chaos of light and the race, only daughter of Princess Chaos with the king of Camelot. Symbolizes peace between creatures of different realms of chaos and struggle to keep the peace between them. Its name is a tribute to their parents. Combine their powers to reach the speed of light.

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Various-Creature and Girl Dog (犬) Bird (鳥) Insect (虫) Squid (イカ)

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What can you see?

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This is Halia! She is a strange robo-ish creature based on a number of SEGA's merchandise and historical aspects! She stands about 5'3'' and has orange pixel shaped eyes! Her color scheme is white and blue like the logo; and her speakers have a gradient sunset color scheme- featuring hibiscus flower markings to represent SEGA's origins as company based in Hawaii in 1940 (She has the number 40 drawn on her speakers too!) A number of other little inspirations are listed on her reference sheet. A Mascot needs reason and symbolism to represent! As a side note; she has a tail plug because when she is plugged into an electrical outlet her eyes can turn into screens (As listed in the ref sheet) to display a video or game! I am willing to collaborate and edit the character if needed if she is chosen. I worked really hard on her and I' am still so enthralled that an opportunity like this arose! I am working hard in Art College to become a Video Game Concept Artist!

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