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閲覧:294 コメ:1 クリップ:1

↑ ありがとうございま 3周年、おめでとうご

閲覧:395 コメ:2 クリップ:2

デフォ子さんかっちょ ありがとうございます 動画とっても良かった

閲覧:379 コメ:3 クリップ:10


閲覧:579 コメ:1 クリップ:2

スカイドーム: im6079792 地球: NASA モデル: im6068818

閲覧:194 コメ:0 クリップ:0

Blaster Raptor(or Blast for short)is a prehistoric Raptor with a human-like body structure and his trademark item andweapon of choice is his mechanical gloves that he uses over the course of his adventure and aids him on his journey.During his adventure, he will come across many different gloves and each has a unique ability that he can usein certain situations. STORY Blaster's story takes place a few hundred years in the future on Earth.Scientists were trying to discover a way to bring dinosaurs back to life as well as find a way to make them calm and more human-like so they can live amonsgt humans in a civilized way.Blaster and another unamed dinosaur(the Villain) was the only sucessful test subjects and the scientists took them in as students so they became very intelligent.One day the Villain dinosaur left and took most of the supplies he needed to make the machine to bring back dinosaurs but in their original wild state so they could wreck havoc around the world.

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TDA TYWミク -> TDA+山本 | スカイドーム -> @ussy_cat | 世界 -> its-a-wii+NASA

閲覧:340 コメ:0 クリップ:4

Small update about a model I had recently created but that had some problems, I wanted to add a saiyan armor because it is a saiyan female :) For those who discover her, her name is Zukki. It's the daughter of Vegeta and Azuki my OC. This is a WIP, the model is not available to the public, private model. Zukki is a private MMD model not available for download, she is part of my fanfic Dragon Ball Universe. You can find more information on my deviantart account:

閲覧:353 コメ:0 クリップ:0

The free Grammar check assists users with tallying words, check spelling, check language structure and accentuation, check rewording, improve word decision, self-evaluate the utilization of target structures, and ace English elocution. It additionally prepares students and amateur instructors to turn out to be better editors with a mistake remedy game on the Error Correction Games page. This site is 100% allowed to utilize, and enrollment is free. What follows is a rundown of its highlights. At the base of the page, there are a progression of regularly posed inquiries. that you may discover helpful or intriguing. For progressively about this site, visit the blog.

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