English を含むイラストが 386 件見つかりました ( 201 - 220 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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EN: I made a new shader set! Here's a quick preview showcasing it. I really like how it came out! (effect name comes from the character's English and Japanese name) JP: 新しいシェーダーセットを作りました。ここでは、それを紹介する簡単なプレビューです。とてもいい感じ Location: https://bowlroll.net/file/264381 パスワードはrosameiを逆にしたもの(すべて小文字)です。

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English title: My niece~at a hamburger's restaurant~ おいしそうなにおい. Smells nice.

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先生「英語でお願いします!」生徒「分かりました~(うん!)!」※実はENGLIS...の上に「わけがわからないよ」とちっさく書いてありますww あと誰の為にも描いてませんw俺得ですww

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English title: A monster of cell phones こちらにおかけになった場合、閻魔様につながります。 If you call with this phone, the king of hell will answer you.

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English title: Miku Views the MME Archive! EN: I made this as a banner for the MME Archive, a project created by chestnutscoop that aims to document EVERY MikuMikuEffect out there! I am really proud of it, and I think it is one of my best renders ever! JP: この作品は、 chestnutscoop さんが作成した、MikuMikuEffect をすべて記録することを目的としたプロジェクトである MME Archive のバナーとして作成しました。私はこの作品をとても誇りに思っていますし、私の最高のレンダリング作品の一つだと思っています。

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-Sorry for my bad skills for English and Japanese cuz I'm only Thai junior high school student- 2014・5・5 Happy birthday Hibari-san! This is my fanart picture of him. I think it's not so okay with his skin color. I think it's so light. orz

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English title: Obstacles towards his runaway 逃げてたら、さまざまなものが絡みついてきました。 When he ran away, various things twined around him.

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未設定キャラその2。多分ブラジル系にすると思います。名前も決めてないけど、多分サッカー好きにするかも。主人公のクラスメイト予定。 Unsettled character no.2. I guess he will be a Brazilian classmate of Ken’s who likes to play soccer.

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ikDiffusionは白色物体をキラキラさせる〜 <クレジット> MMDVocaloidThailand様 Tda式初音ミクチャールズドレス fav.me/da1d3n6 すいか様 あんスタ風教室の机椅子 im5854360 CVN68Nimitz様 Stocking Ver1.3 im5814783 Elle様 Croquis sm14263863 / SelfBlend 針金P様 HgSAO im4187422 / MLAA ikeno様 ikClut im4952092 / ikDiffusion1 im4851176 mqdl様 SSAO sm13796840 nil様 NCHLShader2 im4325058 おたもん様 o_SurplusFilter im2004305 そぼろ様 AutoLuminous4 / ExellentShadow2 / SvSSAO / XDOF sm15369179 樋口M様 MikuMikuDance Ver9.26 sm2420025 舞力介入P様 MikuMikuEffect Ver0.37 sm12149815 ありがとうございます~ English Version fav.me/da5sq10 (jjjj1504.deviantart.com)

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English title: Umbrella Weather/Umbrella Season (for some reason "umbrella weather" written in kanji translated to something completely different so I had to come up with a longer title) EN: I wanted to make a render starring Sakura Miku outside. It was fun setting up this render. I like how the colors came out! JP: さくらミクを主役にしたレンダーを外で作りたかったんです。このレンダリングを設定するのは楽しかったです。色の出方が好きです。 additional Raycast materials by hbee

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English title: A mosquito coil which can't kill mosquitoes 煙すら出ません。 Even smoke doesn't come out from this coil.

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English title: A pineapple with Japanese harps and a trampoline

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English title: Free resources that anyone doesn't really want to use 左下は僕の姉です。 My older sister is in the bottom left side.

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エイは育ち、僕はプロポーズに鉄を曲げる (Sekihan's Version・赤飯のバージョン: sm17948109 ) English(英語) Definatlty my most colorful pic. (Problobly because the PV is so colorful) I really like how this turned out. I worked really hard on this! ^ω^ Also, I recently got his album "Sekihan the Treasure." 日本語(ホンとがグーグル、ごめんなさい!)(Japanese (Mostly Google, sorry!) 間違いなく私の最もカラフルな絵。(PVがとてもカラフルであるせいか)私は絵が好きです。また、私は最近、彼のアルバム 「SEKIHAN THE TREASURE」を持って DA: http://fav.me/d5uulq9 Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=33558932

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English title: Kappa made by glass いつかそれは飛びます. Someday it will fly.

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English title: A father who pacifies his baby.

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English title: A banquet of malevolent gods 発端は何かのキャップからでした。 I drew many malevolent gods inspired from a bottle cap.

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English title: A man who can't graduate 僕です. It's me.

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Hello! I cannot read much Japanese. I hope writing in English will be OK. This is the character I created. I tried to make his color scheme "blue" so that the design stays true to SEGA's logo. For his name, I was thinking of maybe naming him Takayuki. I am a big fan of SEGA and when I heard they were holding a contest I wanted to try and enter it!

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English title: My niece~with two kiwi fruits~ 気持ちよさそう. She looks comfortable.

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