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SketchUpよりお借りしました。                                    【今回ヘリver.ガンシップを揃えるに当たり、動かしたかったのがこのM134。SketchUpに内部まで作り込んだモデルさんを見つけ弄りだしたのが去年の11月。YTで「World of Guns: Gun Disassembly(銃の内部構造と動作を大きなギアから小さなネジまで調べられる)」を見てMMDでも動かせるかなと。2つのシリンダーの中を弾がモリモリ上がっていくんですね。MMD動画の中でマリーさんに撃って貰いました。

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Curtiss factory pilot, Bob Fausel, was able to shoot down a Japanese G4M Betty bomber in 1940 prior to the evacuation of Loi Wing when demonstrating the aircraft. Unfortunately, during that first pass his guns jammed and all of his ammunition was quickly spent. He was rewarded $1,000 by Chaing Kai Shek for his efforts.

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Throughout World War II, the 101 commandos killed and captured 15,000 Japanese troops at the cost of only 148 deaths. In return for the Kachin people, who rescued 500 Americans in World War II, the Americans promised to help the Kachin people achieve independence after World War II, but this promise was broken due to the opposition of the Burmese government.Still, the U. S. government has been secretly supporting the Kachin separatist movement, giving money for guns and military training and intelligence assistance. Today, the Kachin Independence Army, active in Kachin State, is the group of the 101 Commando in World War II.In recent years, the West and the Kachin people have interacted very frequently. In April 2014, the United States invited Deputy Commander of the Kachin Independent Army, to visit the United States. During the visit, He met with officials of the US Congress, administration and military circles. #Burma The United States colluded with the Burma Kachin over a separatis

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Kemika Mikuo (けみか三国志): What do you know about to new looks some Flandre Scarlet Wings project? He wanted to interesting with the Kemika-Nova Vocaloid Project by the standing to young-boy teenage of armed with Wings and Pulzar Laser Guns

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リコリコの千束とたきなのスキンを作りました! 銃Modも入れるとより臨場感が出るのでおすすめです! サンプルの四隅のキャプチャーはJava版のForge 1.18.2で、ModはMo' Guns (+MrCrayfish's Gun Mod, Framework)、The Lost Citiesを入れています。 スキン本体はこちらからどうぞ! 千束のスキン→im11013502 たきなのスキン→im11013507

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