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ノスタルゲルマン だまれ 気プリンツ! まあ元ネタの作者は同 ミノタウロスの皿かと ノスタルG(German) レーベ&マックス「だまれ気ぶ え?ミートキューブ? いやノスタル爺が無

閲覧:32194 コメ:34 クリップ:50

大洗で実物使ったけど ようやく来た!

閲覧:817 コメ:2 クリップ:13

この鹿児島弁は鹿児島 「ヨシトシノオヤジャ 「ノムラノオヤジャ、 駐独武官の野村中将と 日本はブルマとスク水 敵(?)…の潜水艦(?)… やっぱり生放送から来 生放送から来

閲覧:119106 コメ:366 クリップ:465

アラアァァァァァァァ なんか雰囲気がオシャ 急速潜航でしょ(希望) 轟沈?

閲覧:3151 コメ:4 クリップ:53

↑"知らぬ間に沈没して 35000tが消滅って…核 書き込みありがとう↑ A-9ロケットとダイム

閲覧:628 コメ:4 クリップ:3

↑4ダークえなりは草不 舌がりんごみたいでか TOUHOUではなくToHoだ これすき アナタノ クニハ ナニデスカ? 外人東方厨が元動画に クッキーをCNNに輸入 クッキー☆で逆輸入出 草はえる

閲覧:2125 コメ:25 クリップ:15

かっこよすぎワロタ 異常に握りやすいよ! タイプ14 「火←→安」がいかにも うえうえうえうえうう 大柄だと持ち歩き不便 カッコいいぜ☆ 十四年式いいよね、見

閲覧:1965 コメ:8 クリップ:36

検索してはいけないア ステンドグラス風だけ まっくろくろすけでて こっち見んなー

閲覧:465 コメ:4 クリップ:1

Maniac Yandere Mark Entrance Indoors Resistance — Selected Pandemic Period 20-22 --------------------------- He’s introducing for signed agreements by domains given the third newest members visited Haunted High School Quarantines destination at Tokyo metropolitan, He’s nationally are German-British descents and genius engineering tools from college high school formerly for several years, He is experienced to servicing official line-up groups consisted by Yandere Kemika Miku and Saiko-Chan bandwagons, It brought on affiliation located indoors studios charmingly by wide-range with these seemed figure for first times came Haunted High School Quarantines. ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

閲覧:94 コメ:0 クリップ:0

im actually a german and i speak english a lot, i dont speak japanese lol 私は実際にはドイツ語を話します、そして私は英語をたくさん話します、私は日本語を話しません

閲覧:85 コメ:0 クリップ:0

Maniac Yandere Mark Characters Introduction — Selected Pandemic Period 20-22 --------------------------- Maniac Yandere Mark is an German-British raised from the European descents range with college students, A genius with the software engineering and he presumably members of the Yandere Trio after signed agreements by Yandere Kemika Miku given about new incarnation habitants of Haunted High School Quarantines in Tokyo, Japan, localization just first being outside of nationally and became serving running broadcasting, along with the three pieces of trio groups, with possession of Yandere Dark Spiritual wishes. ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

閲覧:121 コメ:0 クリップ:0

Maniac Yandere Mark Behind Wave Up — Selected Pandemic Period 20-22 --------------------------- He’s watching behind the student and senpai, Where he met with German-British man Maniac Yandere Mark carrying his Moonlight Swords, Hands waving up to greetings everyone people surrounding area to introduces were individuals inhabited of Yandere Trio, Brightly day are reflected natural modern-age for head starting period around few more than months activations with three individuals, Filled of Dark atmospheric high-school are settings in night-time and brightly light day rushing into mainland of Japan. ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

閲覧:83 コメ:0 クリップ:0


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