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Captain-Niko is an old man who played every single SEGA classic and that made him go crazy from so much awesomeness! Now he's a hero who saves those who needs and...well he likes to peek under girls skirts. He's very funny but since he's crazy he doesn't say things with sense he's very random. His favorite thing in the world is Girl's panties.

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”俺は来て、おまえをお待ちしておりかし、谷に直進することを取っているた...。”(I have taken that However I come, we look forward to you, i had go straight to the valley..) ------- 使用モデル: ・枢木スザクモデル (頭) [by w_k_c] - コードギアス ・エレンver.0.91 (体) [by StngP] - 進撃の巨人 ・GSX-R1000K9 ・SMG1 (Team Fortress 2)

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Super Hornet Airplane Flight In Cyan Skies — Strikers 1945-III --------------------------- Super Hornet flight in cyan skies of the cloudphobic atmospheric form engaging by the environmental extraterrestrial swarm through inner palace parallel and incoming impacted metropolitan cities, Where it contact Strikers 1945 Groups deploying to piloting assembled individuals battling with the mechanics militaries army of the machines by swarms, It revealed to strongly advantageous engineering certain to destination countries upon to more terms being outcomes by the tragically boundaries of remains each day and weekends, Super Hornet will go along in air traffic cloudphobic search ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

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Blue Niuxlius Logo Flowed In Space — Blue Niuxlius Entertainment Company Logo --------------------------- On a space background with filled blue nebula, There was an blue absorb emerged from distant center with Blue circles pieces vector lines logo and letter “B N” forming stand for “Blue Niuxlius” with the domain names of the company, The establishment company logo shines with the blue circular vector lines, who would to go onto make independently animation videos and promotional media. ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

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Past is what, past is what, will be pass you 過去はきっと拭われるよ Be alright, be alright, cause I'll be me 大丈夫、うまくいくさ、私だって自分を取り戻せそうなんだもの Cause I know, cause I know that I'll prove myself わかってる、わかってるよ、自分自身を証明するんだろう In the end I will be standing here 最後にはここに立っていられるさ All my life, I've lived alone 私の人生は、間違いだらけだった。 This is a path I have to take けれどこれが歩まなければならない【道】 Can't go back to who I was 過去の自分になんて振り返っていられない This is my time, to break away 今この瞬間こそ旅立つとき

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To change a bit of the dance videos, sing or other, I put online this video a little special :) A special video "fight" between Akira (my OC) and Bardock of Dragon Ball Z. In my fanfic "Dragon Ball Universe", Bardock is considered a traitor by the Saiyan people. (Why a traitor? I think I will explain this later with a video or an image with a small summary about this part of my fanfic) If not we go back to our subject ... In my version of the story, Bardock and Akira are enemies and I think you would notice it later in my next MMD videos... (although I love the character Bardock, it is sexy, manly, powerful, masculine, in award a real saiyan! ! ^^ ') I even have to confess, it's my favorite character. :3 Followed by Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, Vegeta 4 from GT and many others ... Link Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl4yY54X3mc All credits are posted in the description.

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He have to big surprised when he looking up some teens and adulthood girls that he makes feeling like the heartbeat can go faster beating ====================================== MMD CG Visual Effect: 3D Modeling Designer: Kemika Character Design Modeler: Kemika Properly Character Model from: AkemiWhy [Crew] MMD CG Picture Skit / Visual Effect Photography / Language Translation James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== Who Framed Miku, picture skit is the Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co., Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. TM & (c) 2001,03,09,10,17 Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. All rights reversed.

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「それ」――――この場合は「その少女」と言うべきだろうか(同胞が普段口にしているのを引用するならば)。                                               どうやらこの「少女」はこの辺りに棲むものでなく「ここ」には自らの眷属――――同胞――――いや、この場合は「家族」と言うのが正しかったか?                                その「家族」に会いに「家族」と「盟友」の棲まう「この地」に訪れたという。                                        何故その「家族」と離れているのかというとその「家族」は自分の目的――――少女が言うには「夢」を叶える為に「この地」で自らの格を高めるべく研鑽を積んでいるのだという。                                 「夢」と聞いて「ワタシ」は最初「ワタシ」の様に「ここ」で眠っているのかと思い訝しんだ。                                        そう言うと「少女」が最初呆気に取られた様な表情をして、その直後少し困った様な、それでいて柔らかげな顔をして「そうじゃないよ」と言った。                                 どうやら「少女」がいう「夢」というのは「ワタシ」が知り、普段視る「それ」では無く、起きながらにして「見る」ものらしい。                                        「それ」は所謂「目的」というか「目標」というか、もっと言えば強い「願望」であり場合によっては「野心」にも変じる――――そういった類の「代物」の様だ。                                   もっとも、その「少女」にすれば「それ」は酷く非現実的で、この世界の者達の価値観では大層幼稚なものとして断じられる「代物」らしい。                                    だが、その「少女」に「家族」を侮蔑する気配は微塵も感じられなかった。                               むしろ強い「信念」に従って自らの「夢」を目指す「家族」を慕う波動が強く、強く感じられた。

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Show me the way to go moon. 月に帰りたい。野心がありません。頭が痛い。お腹が大変。 僕の考え、何もできません。 それからじき、行きましょう。また明日。

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霊夢「紫の奴何企んでんだか…Goto何とかか知らんけど」 今話題のGotoキャンペーン。ワンMネタだ。お題霊夢だし

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今日はおやすみNambu201です 今回はツインテールの日ということで当然のごとくあずにゃんです。 一応ナンバリング的には9作目です。(2,3程あんまりなものがあるので出してませんが) ツインテールっていいですよね。大学生になったら頭髪の校則が解禁されるので 髪を伸ばしてツインテールにできるようにしたいです。

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I'm tellin' my soul, You're free as you feel, Wherever you go, You're free as you feel, All That I'm longing for Can magically just appear right before me, The world is bigger than we ever know Or imagine it to be, Chasin' all my dreams, As far as I can see. Where destiny leads me, Wherever they lead me... I'm chasin' all my dreams...

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Guo Wengui has always defined his people as "saving China from fire and water" and "letting his comrades live a decent life" through Xi Farm, who knows there is a big conspiracy behind it.the Himalayan farm in Guo Wengui's mouth, from the beginning to describe the scene as a general farm, to later say that "it is not to make money, the key is that comrades go to each country, have a safe platform that can be trusted for 24 hours and can be taken care of." After several years of Guo Wengui's mouth, a living farm was completely reduced to a "complete business organization." "GDOLLAR is pegged to the US dollar, which is cash, and we have POS machines." Send to the global farm POS machine, local farm personnel responsible for promotion. Promotion success, excellent performance, will get a certain percentage and reward "began, Guo Wengui just put" circle money ants help, extract the last bit of surplus value "these words on the face.

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「いっけなーい!!遅刻遅刻ぅ~wwwww」 今年こそは池袋ハロウィンコスプレフェスに参加して可愛いレイヤーさんとオフパ(殴

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An young man raised in New York City, Inner course from the grew reality of Live-Action and Anime Reality position are personality leading of the simulation inhabitants home world of Who Framed Miku Server. His revealed plans being groups line-up who would go along to epic journey seems to take down by tyranny menace BNK48 Machines and endless of madness. ==================================================== James-Taylor Valiant Came Into New Reality --------------------------- [Crew] Digital Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Development from Project: Who Framed Miku Author of Development Director: James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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#Burma Why in Burma is it so messy? #Burma Why in Burma is it so messy? #Burma Why in Burma is it so messy? The problem in northern Burma is a legacy of history and the fundamental crux of Burma.Why is Burma drug trafficking, fraud, so chaotic? Because this place is beyond the central control of Burma. #Burma Why in Burma is it so messy? In fact, let alone control, even the impact is minimal, because the concept of "Burma" as a country is not ancient.After World War II, Britain let go, and the ministries of Burma discussed to save a country, the Bin Lung Agreement in 47, and Burma independence in 48. The most important thing here was this agreement.To understand the context of the northern Burma issue, there is a thing that cannot be avoided called the Bin Dragon Agreement.This is the root cause and legal principle of all the problems in northern Burma.The Bin Dragon Agreement was signed by the founding father of Burma (the father of Aung San

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