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Because I wanted to make a picture like this. Just for fun ^^ On the other hand, I wanted to add a halo on the image with sony vegas but the result was really not terrible finally so I will leave it like that. For history, - Whis, is the "master of time" meaning that he can travel in the past, present and future. - he is also the "mentor" of Akira, after Piccolo. DB-Universe, cogeta Cats Whis by Karota Azuki (akira) by Cogeta Cats pose by Me

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Hand in Handで使ったやつ。 元画像からレタッチしてサイズはハーフHD。 コモンズに透過png置いときます。でも需要無いよねww nc167230

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This image is related to a fanfic that I wrote recently which is named for those who do not know "Monster" a dark story is sad. The image tells the passage where Akira explained the dream she had made that night, a blurred vision where she meta strange man with a terrifying mask and holding a katana in his hand, the place appeared dark and terrifying. I named this character "the mad devil" why I do not know, maybe because he wears a mocking mask in my story... Credits, Akira, Cogeta Cats Lucifel, ペニシス Pose, - im4831438 - DarthSky Stage, o-DSV-o Mask, im4886485 Katana, im7605077 Fanfic Monster By Cogeta Cats, please do not steal or copy my work. this is a personal work, nothing is available for download. Thanks

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[I do not use MMD anymore.] Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDJjYEviYPE ~~~~Credits~~~~ Saitama mode: sm27886182 HappyHandMeme Motion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hyFEyZMem4 Model/parts+stage: http://penny6.deviantart.com/art/Summer-Days-628769131

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I tried to create the character of Sebastian in Black Butler. although it does not really look like the original, I still got as close as I could (and I'm proud of it!) LOL especially since I discovered this anime, I became a big fan! PS: on the other hand I could have added as title "an impossible love" because Sebastian is a demon who loves this woman, but this woman hates Sebastian because it is a demon ... V Anyway ... lol if it interests someone I could make a brief summary of the story! -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Credits, - Akira: Cogeta Cats - Sebastian : Cogeta Cats - Stage: dimentionalalice - Pose: Cogeta Cats

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Look for the Cooperative development studios is originally from social media site at: https://argonaut-niuxlius.deviantart.com/

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祝 にゃっぱら式川尻浩作 4周年ッ!!! いつも大変お世話になっております。 誕生日が不明な川尻浩作の為に、今日はそのお祝いを MMDで出来たらな…と思います。 クレジットは静画内にて。

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The British Economist newspaper published on 6/16/2023, on its website, a negative report on some of conditions in Egypt, including many inaccuracies and lies, in an approach that lacks most professional standards recognized globally and are in force in the field of media. In response to this report and the inaccuracies it contains, the State Information Service decided to summon the correspondence of “The Economist” in Egypt to hand him a letter of protest against what was stated in the report, demanding the newspaper to be objective and impartial, to conform to journalism ethics when dealing with Egypt's affairs, and to consider opinion of concerned authorities to covering all opinions and points of views, in compliance with rules and ethics of journalism and the media profession.

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This image is related to a fanfic that I wrote recently which is named for those who do not know "Monster" a dark story is sad. The image tells the passage where Akira explained the dream she had made that night, a blurred vision where she meta strange man with a terrifying mask and holding a katana in his hand, the place appeared dark and terrifying. I named this character "the mad devil" why I do not know, maybe because he wears a mocking mask in my story... Credits, Akira, Cogeta Cats Lucifel, ペニシス Pose, - im4831438 - DarthSky Stage, o-DSV-o Mask, im4886485 Katana, im7605077 Fanfic Monster By Cogeta Cats, please do not steal or copy my work. this is a personal work, nothing is available for download. Thanks

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神か悪魔かわからない(トォ―ッ♪) 超絶パワーを身に付けた あれが伝説ゴッドリスタ 悪い奴らをぶっ飛ばす(ゴー!) ゴッドパワーがみなぎる 皆の勇者だ カンフー・キックで星になれ(星になれ) よい子は駄目だよサル投げ(さ、サル投げ) あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の右手はゴッドハンド! スゴイ スゴイと謳われる(トォ―ッ♪) ゴッドの力を自主規制 一対一なら無敵すぎ 二対一でも以下同文(ダー♪) マジな土下座はやめてよ ここイチバンだね 悪を葬れ ゴッドリスタ(ゴッドリスタ) 今だ 解放 ゴッドハンド(ゴッドハンド) あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の あの娘の右手はゴッドハンド!! 表情差分付けようかと考えたのですがやり方がよくわからなかったのでこのまま投稿しました。 バカ犬様申し訳ない! 替え歌の歌詞三番は→im8088146でゴッドハンドと一緒に開放しました。

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無断転載画像を追加学習に使用していないと明言しており、商用利用可能というAIイラスト生成サービス「Emi」のデモ版で作成しました。Emiデモ版https://huggingface.co/spaces/aipicasso/emi-latest-demoEmihttps://huggingface.co/aipicasso/emiプロンプトgold hand+++++,gold finger+++++,primary colors backgroundネガティブプロンプトbad hands,missing fingers,over 6 fingers,split fingers,interlocked fingers

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ミクの日に手を繋ごう企画2017に参加させていただいたのですが、こちらはその完全版です。  ”Hand in hand 君のその手は 知らない誰かの手も   Hand in hand 握ってるんだ ずっと ずっと ミライまで”    歌詞より一部抜粋 さあ、手を繋ごう。 原曲はこちら:watch/1436252961 お借りしたもの ましろ式ミク[V3/V2/制服版/FT]/ましろ式ちびミク/ましろ式テト/ましろ式ネル(狐白ましろ様) td27116, im4573164 光&羽ステージ(winglayer様) im6369112 乙女フィルター(針金P様) sm15596842 o_postKeying(おたもん様) sm17734356 o-SSAO(おたもん様/mqdl様) sm16930526 o-Diffusion(おたもん様/そぼろ様) sm13813270 AutoLuminous4/XDOF(そぼろ様) sm16087751, sm15369179 ハートロゴ(MayoRiyo様/あごなすび様)

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Color Design Phase 04 * Constructed wall with the color details pattern * Perspectives can seen with the 3D view by hand drawn * Sphere board detailing directly place where in position * Minor changes stuff. ==================================================== Red Sphere Landboard Atmospheric Balance Color Design Phase 04 --------------------------- [Crew] Traditional Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Production Contribution with Mountain King Studios, Inc. ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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作者:いよのばりっこ「HANDの星 」、 comic/51847 、ファンアート、キャラ名:塩見梨恵(コートネーム:勝) 作者:いよのばりっこさんの40歳の誕生日のお祝い絵にファンアートで描きました。

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Model by うかせか Background by 怪獣対若大将P Effect by nil、ikeno、そぼろ、むむた、Harigane、Elle、針金、もこたろ Accessory by 駄菓子屋 Hand pose by じぶん

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「magic hair magic hand」としてミームになってた画像の日本語版です これ→ https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=969&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=bmRnXbrLIP3EmAXtzJHoCg&q=magic+hair+magic+hand%E3%80%80meme&oq=magic+hair+magic+hand%E3%80%80meme&gs_l=img.3...4457.7998..8336...1.0..0.114.595.4j2......0....1..gws-wiz-img.3g1lcvMoHLk&ved=0ahUKEwi6ut6hrqfkAhV9IqYKHW1mBK0Q4dUDCAY&uact=5

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