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うれしいお知らせ!アニメーションの脚本がついに完成しました!アニメーション制作を始める準備が整いました!新学期が始まるときに、みんなにティザーを公開する予定です。ただし、8月5日に北京で用事があるため、1週間アニメーション制作ができない期間がありますが、その前に余分な作業をするようにします。ちなみに、私の最新のお知らせを受け取りたい場合や他のファンと交流したい場合は、DiscordサーバーやFacebookグループに参加するのを忘れないでくださいね! Exciting news! The animation script is finally complete! We're all set to start working on the animation now! We plan to release a teaser for everyone when the new school year begins. However, there's a one-week gap in animation work because I'll be in Hangzhou from August 5th due to some commitments in Beijing. So, I'll make sure to do extra work before the trip. By the way, if you want to get my latest updates or engage in interactive discussions with other fans, don't forget to join my Discord server and Facebook group!

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実に助かるよ。何の疑問も抱かずに働いてくれて。 それが私の富を増やすだけとも知らず。 君たちが稼いでくれた金で私はパーティーに出席するよ。 I really appreciate it. You work without any questions, not knowing that it's increasing my wealth. With the money you all earn, I'll be attending parties.

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引・。・退おめでとうございます。 僕もこうや君の意志を継いで生放送を始めます。 君のことは忘れないよ;;

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New RRBZ Butler / Bartender? Models and Oc's! I hope you like my new models! I'll put up the credits for each model up later。。。 Purple : Hiroki Orange : Takeshi Yellow : Kenta White : Niko Black : Kuroki Poses: Duekko MME: Autoluminous, WorkingFloorAL, AdultshaderS, SelfOverlay, o_SSAO Pass hint: im number http://ux.getuploader.com/MayumiSakurai_/download/5/RRBZ+Butlers.zip

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currently I watch a lot the anime "Black Butler" and I admit that I love! I was particularly attracted by the design of the undertaker character. which inspired me to create this special character! : 3 "Do not trust this man he is not clear!" now, I'll have to find a name for my OC I managed to find him a name, he will call himself "の ぞ き 穴" which means "Judas" in Japanese and in romaji it's "Nozoki ana" therefore, his name will be "Nozoki ana":) it is a version 01, it is not finished because there are some flaws :/ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Credits, - Model: Cogeta Cats - Stage: AlexGorgan - Pose: Cogeta Cats -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- - Base: Kaito default (edited by me) - Face: Kaito (edited by me) - hair: ValkyrieWendigo/TDA /ragexyz /illusions - Necklace: im4478062 - Glass: deadsilvervirus -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- - Bible create by me

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No, Akira did not become a shinigami lol In my version I had imagined that Undertaker would be his adoptive father, and would work alongside him as an assistant at the funeral home in London. I'll do a quick summary of their stories later, I think ... but what is sure is that a contract binds our two characters. ;) -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Credits, - Undertaker (NO DL): Cogeta Cats - Akira: Cogeta Cats - stage: NOB - Pose: Cogeta Cats - Scythe: artimiss1238

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Today I wanted to make a little delirium with my OC Akira by telling (I will to do it later, I think) the crazy story of the origins of my character Akira. how she came to earth, her origins and how she met Vegeta. maybe later I would make an MMD videos, but for now it will only be sorry pictures. it will be short, with a little story. but as I'm not too motivated to make a video, I'll do that with pictures, it's it will be faster. I just borrowed for the occasion "Female Saiyan Outfits" from my friend dgcain, for my model. Credits, - Saiyan "Akira" Cogeta Cats - Saiyan Pod Cogeta Cats - Pose, Cogeta Cats - Stage, kaahgomedl

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Hi guys,the last sunday i made a new MMD Model Pack but in this time with Reika Kitami from the Hentai Bible Black: La Noche del Walpurgis. That MMD Model Pack have the next models: - Standard Model - with Lab Coat Model - Base Model - and Hermaphrodite Base Model (in Private download) Ok,as the 5 comments challenges to put her in download are completed,i'll put Reika Kitami's MMD Model Pack in Public DL. about her Hermaphrodite Base Model,for TDA's Copyright strike reasons,i'll put the Hermaphrodite Base Model of Reika Kitami in private download via Sta.sh and you have to give me a note and not a comment. well guys,i hope you like it~ Download Link: http://fav.me/db50w1u

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はいんでー*ケーキ編→im8926142 I'll be baka.→im8928628

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「あいつは気狂いだ。気違いだ。 家の再建に必死だった私を尻目に、あいつはずっと母様を呼び続けている。 昨日もそれが土の下に居ると解っていながら、 直接花を渡すとか言っていた。 その顔が見たことも無いくらい穏やかだったから、 ことさら悔しくて腹が立つんだ。」

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 sm32174453 ポールダンスのロング版を作ってみました。  いろいろマズい部分もありますが、氷川丸のボディを堪能できると思うので見て頂ければ幸いです^^;  また曲がいいんですよ……曲が^^; I still remember all the tears I've cried for you You promised me that you were coming back to me Why you go left me here all alone But then there was you I've been waiting Show that you love me I'll never want to let you go And I know oh this serious I've been missing you Wishing that my fantasies could somehow someday come true You will always be inside my heart forever forever forever 和訳 あなたのことを思って流した全ての涙 まだ覚えてる あなたは私のもとに帰ってくると約束してくれた どうして私を1人だけにして去ったの でもあなたはやっと来てくれた 私あなたを信じて待ち続けたの 私への愛を見せて 私もうあなたを行かせたくない 本当にこんなにもあなたに会いたかった 私の夢がいつかかなう日を願ってたの あなたはいつも私の心の中にいる ずっと ずっと ずっと・・・

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This ain't asphalt, son; this is dirt. You don't have three-wheel brakes, so you gotta' pitch it hard, break it loose, and just drive it with the throttle. Give it too much, you'll be outta' the dirt and into the tulips. I'll put it simple; if you're goin' hard enough left, you'll find yourself turnin' right.

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'80sファッションです。 主人公の Garako Higashimachikado(1967-) です。北海道に住む高校生(当時)で、身長が172cm、エスパーです、顔がホームベース型なのを気にしてます^0^

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"I'll have to break your knees, just in case."

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If this is too much, I'll take it down

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'80sファッションです、mc Sister(昭和60年4月号)を参考にしました。 名前はロゼちゃん Rozeta Rihanna Fenty(1968-1988)、バルバドス人のエスパーです^0^ 北海道で自衛隊に出向中ソ連軍に襲われて主人公と出会います。

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ちょっと良い病院いってきます。I'll be back!(戻れるとは言ってない)

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Or I'll blow your brain !! I'm librarian Koa. This is the longest day of my life. im5346861 ←前 次→ im5357177 もう色々混ざってきた… 小悪魔 アールビット 様 霧雨魔理沙 にがもん 様 USP アサシンP 様

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