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英語のタイトルはボンジョヴィの歌だと思って頂けたらと思います。 Runawayは日本語で夜明けのランナウェイです。ダンスの音楽にも似合いそうです。テンポが気に入ってます。 Someday I'll Be Saturday Nightの日本語は先ほどYouTubeで知りました。きっといつかはサタディ・ナイト、と知りました。良い言葉ですね。聴き始めた頃も意味は分かっていたけどすぐに和訳できないから翻訳家って凄いな、と思います。中の人は「大丈夫頑張れ!明日土曜日で休みだから!」とか余計な謳い文句まで付けて訳するからややこしくなるだけです。   VRMはスマホで十分だと最近思ってます。俺の女バージョンは真名十の女になるようです。 中の人がセシル変身アプリのドレスメーカーをメインに使用して、steamで面白いゲームがあったらやります。

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Hello and this is a model of the M1 Helmet that serve in american's military from 1941 to 1985 this is the version that serve in vietnam war, the model belong to Efarys https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/m1-helmet-6131ae334da74d279af337839fddee22 and the card belong to "Lowgun211" https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/user/illust/13771469, i just import the model to MMD and edit the texture out, hope you guy like it and i'll see you next time, if the onwers of the model want me to remove the model contact me and i will remove it ASAP Model link: https://bowlroll.net/file/230734 the password is the years that vietnam war's end

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Who is Alice?Please tell me her real name. ...... I'll tell you. Look, this forest, it's Alice!

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Take on meTake me onI'll be goneIn a day or two

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画像はYouTubeに投稿、私の最後の映像から取られています。 the image is taken from my last video, posted on Youtube. 私は後でビデオを投稿します。 I'll post the video later with the credits. ブラック悟空 - Karota318 悪アキラ - Cogeta Cats

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ふらすこさんの動画「私、スケーターになります」の支援絵です ゆかりさんとゆっくりのやり取りが面白くて大好きです

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I really Speak Spanish and English, I'm just learning Japanese by Myself, I'm a Venezuelan artist that want someday, with my 4 Pals:Drösull, Ygg, Mezero and Momo get out from this country and make funny pro art, I'll be in your hands!

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Hello guys, I bring you a story a little different from the casual one called: (空 色) Sorairo (Celeste Marino) which I have been polishing little by little, it is my second project with a different proposal, in which I will be working in animation , alternating with my other project Oucam evilou, (空 色) Sorairo (Celeste Marino) is my alternate version of the growth and adventures of General Minamoto no Yoshitsune (源 義 経) or Ushiwakamaru (牛 若 丸), in another universe with beings supernatural such as the Tengus and other mythological creatures, in this alternative version it is an LGTB story (BL or Yaoi) that is, there is Romance boy x Boy, so if any of you like these topics I invite you to follow me on this account of instagram that is related to this project so that you are also aware of this project, but if you don't like the idea, nothing happens and well, without more to say I'll tell you a little about my new story.

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祝『ターミネーター: 新起動/ジェニシス』 (Terminator Genisys) 7月11日に公開記念でターミネーター「T-800」を3Dで描いてみました。 「I'll be back.」また戻ってきてありがとー(^O^)シュワちゃん。 メイキングイラスト:https://www.facebook.com/kenjimineta1960

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LOL, I really had to draw a little fan art of this hilarious Vocaloid cover. XDhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csPM4tNZzkUI'll finish this drawing later, this is just sketch/WIP!

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Past is what, past is what, will be pass you 過去はきっと拭われるよ Be alright, be alright, cause I'll be me 大丈夫、うまくいくさ、私だって自分を取り戻せそうなんだもの Cause I know, cause I know that I'll prove myself わかってる、わかってるよ、自分自身を証明するんだろう In the end I will be standing here 最後にはここに立っていられるさ All my life, I've lived alone 私の人生は、間違いだらけだった。 This is a path I have to take けれどこれが歩まなければならない【道】 Can't go back to who I was 過去の自分になんて振り返っていられない This is my time, to break away 今この瞬間こそ旅立つとき

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and it's you I'll come for Twitter→https://twitter.com/Hajikintoki MyMovie→mylist/66497713

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Never mind, I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you, too "Don't forget me," I beg "I'll remember," you said ♪:Adele - Someone Like You

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ONE OK ROCK -"No Scared" Give me more!!!! I wanna bring it back, We never carry on I wanna bring it back, We never carry on Seize it somehow seize it somehow Only thing I lose We hurry on (On!), 'cuz we are coming to the end We hurry on (Yeah!), 'cuz we are coming to the end I know it's me I could me one from millions I never trust anything to survive No,no,that's all, I'll be all right No,no,that's why you take me back No,no,that's the price I must pay? I've got leave you nothing to take anymore Luka by nerudrum (im4497901)

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Because I wanted to change a little for my OC Akira of Dragon Ball Universe, not because his outfit was bad but I find it a little too insuitable to my tastes (personally) I prefer it when she wears trousers with a provocative style to her, because besides being a Saiyan who likes the fight, she likes above all the risk and and that's what I find exciting! Good for the picture with the lollipop it's worth a little look lol I noticed a few flaws on my new model :( but I'll try to fix it later. If not for the pose it is an idea that I had a few hours ago ^^ Credit, Akira - Cogeta Cats Mustang (Converted by me to MMD) Decan Andersen lollipop by Anastasia Alicia stage by hiro K pose by me MME effect, - A-screen - hg SAO - hg SSAO - HG Diffusion - Power DOF - Post movie - Vignette - Procolor

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別アングルです。ご参考まで。MMM生出力ノーエフェクトです。 【Takuto様、Mogg様、】 その血の定め。・・・・・・・・・続く。・・・ おまけ:さあて、ゴミ出しの準備でもするかな・・・・ それでは

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