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良いね! こいつ強かったわほん カッコいい 私はあなたのために非 DLCのボスの中でも 最後のナドラのソウル こ い つ だ け は 絶 独特のロリ狩り大剣な ゆっくりじっく

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リマギンガ 牛乳の牛乳はもっと大 材料ありますねぇ!ダ はいただの東方の雲居 はいじゃないが NG姉さん好き あっ、PC兄貴にガチギ お腹が痛くて苦しいっ ヴェノムかな?(

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あの神BGMか・・・・・ タグの「彼は女性です 説明文を英訳する国際 上院議員戦の曲じゃな 男前だなぁ 勝ったな(確信) 上院議員と戦ってるの MGRのIt Has To Be

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これは深い闇ですね ネタとして扱うレイプ あーこれは完全に喰わ 闇だ・・・ 電灯のひもを探してい バカルテットの不思議 あらかわいい 俺はこの目の書き方好 またレイプ

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JP:私の2Dアートをもっとここに掲載したいと思っていました。この作品は、純ちゃんと光音ちゃんに捧げるZINEのために作りました! この作品はibisPaintで描きました。1時間くらいで完成しました。 EN:I’ve been wanting to post more of my 2D art here. I made this for a zine dedicated to Jun-Chan and Mitsune-Chan! I drew this in ibisPaint. It took me about an hour to finish. https://twitter.com/luna_waffle/status/1522605883368394752

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Text Message Handles In Walking By — Selected Red One Period 20-22 --------------------------- Text messaging appears in walking by Japan Tour with online chatting networking where they supplies to destination at the big building cities Note: The hands are bit weird, The thumbs finger are small sized, The handles couldn’t takes standing, I’ve decided to improvement fix any hands sketches later onto the artworks for rest with the original works. ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

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My second artist was adaptation anime art designer from real-life photograph young girls/woman whom I’ve created about few hours to sections in Who Framed Miku Web-Media Universe. I’ve been around to looking for the imagery being VOCALOID anime art style detailed to Who Framed Miku. ==================================================== Miku-Chan Waving Up To Monitor In Online --------------------------- [Crew] Digital Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Development from Project: Who Framed Miku Author of Development Director: James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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My own version of expression icons / emotes are now for public use! These were made years ago (I couldn’t remember when) for my FNaF models and I’ve always disliked how they work, but now they’re updated with better morph functions and each icon has its own individual bone! However my least favourite thing about it is that the textures are pretty low-res, I wish I had done larger resolution when I initially made them (rip) but oh well, what’s done is done! ✦ Credit me ✦ Edit however you want ✦ No profit or commercial purposes use https://bowlroll.net/file/222357 ✦ Model used - Moyonote ✦ Preview image and testing done by the wonderful MomotheMemeOverlord!

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「あなたと話したいことがいくつかあるの…」 「あなたにだけ理解してもらえることよ」 「だから…」 「待って、まだ!」 「だめ!」 「止まって!」 “There are just some things I’ve been hoping to talk about with you…” “Things I know only you could understand.” “So that’s way—“ “Wait, not yet!” “No!” “Stop it!”

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