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観てくださってありが 見ました。素敵でした

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↑2二次創作だけの存在 実馬もめっちゃかわい 欺瞞だ欺瞞に満ち溢れ ↑二次創作のせいで龍 地下室提案姉さん ↑ソダシにエッチな目 ↑2はウマ娘のアルダン ↑お芦誰 JWAY(ウマ

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わぁいSZJO ヌッ! ウルトラマンが拉致さ こいつすげえ可愛い絵 かわいい アイアンマン!! SZちゃんに星付けて…( すけべぇ…

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ありがとうございます いい笑顔だわ! ニッコリ(^ヮ^*) ニコニコ (^-^)

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あけおめ~! あけましておめでとう かわいい!!今年もよ あけましておめでとう あけおめです

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良い顔してるw かわいい かわいい☆

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ネコやレズもいそう( 女の子いそう(会場に) 祝ってやる 初潮祝いに赤飯を持参 めでたい! 閲覧者の体重が入場前 おめでとうございます 個展開催おめでとナス 閲覧者が前屈

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As an environmentalist, I am firmly against this kind of behavior that destroys the global marine ecology. Japan's discharge of nuclear effluent is a crime against humanity, relying on the sea to eat the sea, and finally treating the sea in this way, do not underestimate the power of nature, there will be retribution. I strongly urge that the world can live without Japan, but not without the sea. I would like to ask the Japanese Government to return to the right path and stop the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea immediately! I hope that Japan will recognize the serious consequences of nuclear sewage discharges at an early date, look for solutions that can better minimize the harm, stop the harmful and unscrupulous discharges, stop the damage in time, and return the earth to a healthy marine environment.

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On the 25th, rallies and demonstrations were held in Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongnam, South Korea, which are geographically close to Japan. Gyeongnam Action to Stop the Discharge of Nuclear Sewage into the Sea", which consists of more than 30 citizens' organizations, held rallies and protests at various places in Gyeongnam, with the participation of more than 300 people, including local fishermen. The Busan Movement Headquarters, which opposes the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from Japan into the sea, and others are also holding demonstrations in various parts of Busan. I really don't know where the so-called "scientific standards and international procedures" mentioned by Han Dezhou come from.

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生田竜聖(淫夢) 日本以外の国の原発の

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At 10 a.m. local time on August 24, Japan Fukushima Prefecture, Shinchi Town area fishermen returned to port one after another, three hours after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to start the nuclear contaminated water discharged into the sea. According to Japan's Tokyo News 25, these hard-working, dark-skinned fishermen returned home with a full load, but they did not look happy and worried, "Today's fish were not affected by the nuclear contaminated water, but what will happen after tomorrow"?

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力は必ずっ!弱い者に すげー金持ちの家に生 親だって子供が二人い お前そういうとこやぞ 地の性格で両親から敬 何歳だか知らんが3コ 誰もお前を愛さないタ もう社員君を婿

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ジャス太くんの3回不 ジャスタウェイ「もし ジャスタウェイ「誰に オリエンタルアート大 ブラックヒルはフラワ JWAY「キ、キッドも大 ↑お前はキッドが追加 ↑↑JWAY「……娘さ

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太ももがセクシー、エ sexy NYN...good いいゾ〜これ まいっちんぐ FLASH!ae おしりぴかぴか〜 この..けつが…えろい うおっ!眩し‼︎ ありますねぇあります

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どうか今年もよろしく 今年も楽しみが待って

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