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お借りします お借りします お借りします お借りします。 を借りします!! お借りします お借りします ケバい・・・ズバリ褒 美人過ぎる・・・ お借りします! 見えそうで

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oh yess!! ^^' Japanese defeated Pe

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かわいい いい雰囲気( ひょぉ!

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To change a bit of the dance videos, sing or other, I put online this video a little special :) A special video "fight" between Akira (my OC) and Bardock of Dragon Ball Z. In my fanfic "Dragon Ball Universe", Bardock is considered a traitor by the Saiyan people. (Why a traitor? I think I will explain this later with a video or an image with a small summary about this part of my fanfic) If not we go back to our subject ... In my version of the story, Bardock and Akira are enemies and I think you would notice it later in my next MMD videos... (although I love the character Bardock, it is sexy, manly, powerful, masculine, in award a real saiyan! ! ^^ ') I even have to confess, it's my favorite character. :3 Followed by Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, Vegeta 4 from GT and many others ... Link Youtube: All credits are posted in the description.

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I am Stacy, i like doing sexy photoshoots and convert them into digital art. I share pictures with friends like you.

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I tried to create the character of Sebastian in Black Butler. although it does not really look like the original, I still got as close as I could (and I'm proud of it!) LOL especially since I discovered this anime, I became a big fan! PS: on the other hand I could have added as title "an impossible love" because Sebastian is a demon who loves this woman, but this woman hates Sebastian because it is a demon ... V Anyway ... lol if it interests someone I could make a brief summary of the story! -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Credits, - Akira: Cogeta Cats - Sebastian : Cogeta Cats - Stage: dimentionalalice - Pose: Cogeta Cats

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Because sometimes they all happen to pass through hard times Of moments when we need support and love. By listening to the song "Please do not leave me" by Pink, I wanted to make a picture with my favorite couple. Yamcha and Bulma, they are so cute together, but their story in Dragon Ball to me was jostled for the pleasure of the haters... In short ... (Yes I know the rendering of the image is horrible and a little dark, sorry) Sweating a little... So I forgot to say ... I did not add of "Engagement ring" or "alliance" to the couple, because this happens before That Yamcha the application in marriage. Caprice of girl (^ - ^) Bulma doesn't want to let his man go to training. -------------------------------- Credits, Models - Karota Stage - o-DeadSilverVirus-o Pose - ChicaGirldasha

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かぐや様は告らせたいの最終回が終わってしまいましたね. そんなわけで,PowerPointでかぐや様を作ってみました. かぐや様はめっちゃ素敵な作品で原作も買いました. オブジェクト全選択版はこちら→(im9118717) 【参考】 かぐや様は告らせたい(6話「かぐや様は気づかれたい」)( ) 期間限定で本話が公開中みたい( ) 【過去のにパワポ作品】 高木さん(im7909762) シロちゃん(im8024756) 【使用ソフト】 MicrosoftOfficePowerPoint2013 前作(im8535412)

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Love story またひとつ‥

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