Lives を含むイラストが 35 件見つかりました ( 21 - 35 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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NOT LIVESの天宮鏡花ちゃんのスキンです。 スキンへ→im6168601

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Nico-Neko is a being who doesn't have arms but it has hands, on his hands he uses Boxing Gloves he doesn't have legs either yet he uses some cool sneakers! NN(Nico-Neko) Can shoot his hands and feet like cannon balls to defeat his enemies or to grab unto high places! Once a Normal cat Nico-Neko was brought into a lab where they modified his DNA so he could become intelligent and obtain his new skills! Later he manages to escape from the lab and starts living in the streets, sadly the other cats consider him a freak and so he lives alone emerged in sadness till one day he finds an old super-hero comic! He reads it (since he's intelligent now)he reads the comic and decides to use his powers to help mankind! Later the lab finds out about what he's doing and so they send other experiments after him. He's joyful and communicative! He loves jokes but he's kinda of a pervert. His favorite food is Chocolate.

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エンジェル、プロテクター、希望 An earthquake in Japan claimed the lives of thousands of people. I'm really worried about this country I hate myself for my helplessness - I'd love to be there and help those who need help But unfortunately I can only speak and to draw I pray that more in Japan, no injuries

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'The most beautiful people I've ever met are those who have experienced setbacks, suffering, the grief of losing someone and have risen from it. These women really understand life. They live their lives chewing on the fragility of people, the importance of respecting others and always being kind and loving in order to build better relationships with others. " -Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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ロシアによる、ウクライナでの大虐殺や大規模破壊をできる限り早期にやめさせるために、 ロシア産不買運動にご協力お願いします。 Boycott Russian Products to Stop Genocide in UKRAINE

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オリジナル英語漫画 Hello, English! のメインキャラクター Lisa リサです。漫画を進めていく上で結局キャラクターが定まっていないと後が辛いことがわかって一応作りました。 主人公ケンの隣の家に住んでおり、日本のアニメや文化に興味がある。お互いの父親が同じ会社で勤めており、親交も深い。同じ中学校に通っているので、たびたびケンを手助けすることがある。 Lisa who is one of main characters in my original comic “Hello, English!” She lives in the house next to Ken’s. Her father and Ken's work for the same company, so they get along well. Lisa is quite interested in Japanese culture including anime, manga and so on. She goes to the same school with Ken, so sometimes she happens to help Ken out when he has some trouble understanding English.

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JPG→「black matter lives」(墨は生きている)

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彼女は植物と暮らしています。 She lives with plants.

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JPG(500×500)→ (reprised Mar.5,2024)JPG(768×768)→ 「sympathy for the lives」

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ロシアによる、ウクライナでの大虐殺や大規模破壊をできる限り早期にやめさせるために、 ロシア産不買運動にご協力お願いします。 Boycott Russian Products to Stop Genocide in UKRAINE

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Welcome to the world of Drag racing, looks like you guys finally got it right. Glad to see you all got off the streets. Thank God for Wally Parks, he saved a lot of lives, probably yours and mine!

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bf2 China force

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civil rights

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Fight Hate

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Civil rights art

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