MASCOT を含むイラストが 82 件見つかりました ( 41 - 60 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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こいつは便利でかっこいいロボットです! 色んな顔もできる!

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She is granddaughter of Prof. Asobin, SEGA mascot from 1983. She is history of SEGA- granddaughter of mascot from 80's, clothes of PSO2 and Jet Set Radio, hat is Opa-Opa, shoes are Toejam & Earl, gloves are Burning Rangers, MAGI is AM2 Palmtree. She looks good in human or cartoon. She is great for toys.

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Vexx is the many voices of Sega fans and generations to come he is embodiment of that is Sega past,present,and hopefully the future (I have inquired many different pieces and parts from almost all Sega consoles and handheld)

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This is my entry for the Sega Mascot competition. His name is Flit, he's a sweet animal who floats to travel around. He's a little shy, but he's always smiling.

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I created Ashton for this contest, as I believe he represents the youth that enjoys SEGA and the childish yet mature hearts and minds of SEGA.

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Alright,so...I'm sort of new here, so I hope this entry's alright! So, to get one thing straight here, this character was not sonic-inspired by any means. So basically, Muffin's just this playful, goofy little pup who's always seeking some sort of adventure, despite seeming a bit ditzy sometimes. I think she would be a good mascot because she's not this over-serious being, and would prolly drop everything in the middle of something quest-related/important just to help someone out,along with how she's generally supposed to be this bouncy, vibrant sort of character in general. I hope you like my character, and though I don't expect you to acknowledge said image, it would be quite an honor if you did see this, and I thank you wholeheartedly. {To the others who view this, I hope you have a beautiful day! (◡‿◡✿) }

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Mascot submission! Katsue is an engeretic Iriomote Cat who loves to go sightseeing!

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An androgynous robot who loved the SEGA saturn so much he had his body made into the logo and changed his name too! His dream is to be a proud mascot just like sonic and his idol Segata Sanshiro!

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AFEE エンターテイメント表現の自由の会の公式アカウントです。表現規制問題のPRをするマスコットキャラクターを募集します。一次〆切は2014年2月2日(日曜日)複数採用致しますので奮ってご応募ください!!●マスコットキャラクター募集ページ

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This is for the SEGA RAW mascot contest; showcases both the front and back view of figure. Most characters created by SEGA tend to be very colorful, as this is emulated through the vibrant tones of yellow. The color brown brings in some form of originality, as brown is not used too often in most of SEGA's work. The blue hues reference the color of their logo. This fun yet down to earth anthropomorphic character is inspired off of the gryphon.

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I have always thought that a mascot should be simple. So even little kids can try to draw it. Thats is what happened to me with sonic. I passed the whole day drawing him. And I thinks that why I love him so much. And that why I decide to use few colours asimple forms, and easy details. This one is NicoDos, a hero. Is human, but with his white robotic armour and his light katana can defeat all his enemies and save. His helmet provide him with xray vision to target weak points and automatic analisys of the enviroment. I hope you like it !

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My submission for the mascot of SEGA Raw. Super Battle Man (aka "Missleman") is a cyborg who is the main hero of my series of freeware games of his name, my latest of which being Missleman Spy Strike 2 (the pictures on this image are from that game, although edited slightly to match the character design).

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Mascot for my streaming group!

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Blade,a 15 year old boy with powers.He can fly,run fast,spring out his blades and even he can turn super with Chaos Emeralds.Its Blade's duty to protect the city from evil.Blade is a new sonic character and hoping he could be mascot for SEGA.

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Los padres de Dangel por ahora esta siendo desconocidos por el rey Julian ya que guarda un secreto dentro de aquella historia,esta tiene que estar en secreto y nadie dentro del castillo o fuera de ello puede saberlo. Dangel fue encontrada en una choza abandonada muy cerca del castillo cuando ella solo tenia dos días de nacida,fue hallada por la princesa y madre de serenity,la reina Tanika ,la escuchó llorar cuando Dangel tenia hambre y pasaba para ver como vivían las demás personas fuera del castillo,ella la recogió cuando Dangel solo estaba abrigada por una bufanda amarilla(la que ella tiene puesta en el cuello),ya en sus brazos la reyna la llevo al castillo y la cuidaba al igual que Serenity( su verdadera hija) Cuando Dangel cumplió los 6 años se enfrento a Elliot por que había herido a Serenity,sin embargo Elliot le hizo un hechizo en la frente y cuando esta despertó tenia las manchas en el rostro y cuello,en el Reino de la Luna ,se dice que las maldiciones están prohibidas,,...

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Ryū ga Gotoku!! I love the Yakuza series, and when I think about it, I just picture a Dragon ... The mascot is a mixture of shades of blue and white from Sega logo, and the spirit of the Dragon

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My mascot submission. She loves to fly high into the sky and sing beautiful songs.

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2018年10月のはやぶさ2による着陸機MASCOTのリュウグウへの投下運用をCGで再現する動画を作成中です。 はやぶさ2の帰還に間に合わせたかったのですが、なかなか作成が進まず、とりあえず一枚絵だけですが予告として投稿します。 現在、鋭意レンダリング中

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Maxwell Plitzer, was a 26 year old young man,until a terrible car accident changed his life. Now he's reborn as a Frankenstein-like monster known as a bunyip (an Australian mythical creature) named Mxyalplex(mix-yall-plex), or Myx for short. And with the help of a female scientist named Ellie Gore, and trusting his new animal abilities, Myx must now stop the evil taxidermist (who made him who he is) from doing the same thing to other people.

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1993 1996 X3 2023 カプコン 40周年 ロックマン 35周年 ロックマン X 30周年 1993 2023 クロスオーバー作品 1993年-1996年 SFCの前中後CMザポ&PVザポ ロックマンX3(SFC) ロボット人に打ったRMXの「ゼロ」元ネタ zukiさん user/illust/19183819 Ponies The Anthology 8 Spin Off FAIZ FORTNITE Pretty Cure And Precure The Anthology Collection Pretty Series The Anthology プリティーシリーズ ドラゴンボール超(スーパー) AOT 進撃の巨人 10周年 ポンポンTV プリキュアTVチャンネル FEAT ポンポンTV フルアニメ TV YouTube PRECURE TVCH オリジナル GAME OVER パロディ MASCOT CURE OVERLINE NEWS GEAR GAMING WORLD PIT PRETTY KIDS D4 D5 D6AA D7AAX D8∞INFINITY D ZERO D THE ARCADE LOGO TOEI LIVESTUDIO 2023 東映 東映ライブスタジオ 東映アニメーション テレビ朝日グループ 鬼滅の刃 PA8 アイキャッチ A パート B パート 鬼滅のマイポニ プリキュア ドラゴンボール 男性 吹き替え ドラゴンボール改 ドラゴンボール超 FORTNITE アニメ ナルト ガンダムシリーズ 機動戦士ガンダム SEED 機動戦士ガンダム SEED DESTINY 機動戦士ガンダム 00 プリティーシリーズ キラッとプリ☆チャン ワッチャプリマジ! 特撮 仮面ライダーシリーズ スーパー戦隊シリーズ 海外アニメ 怪盗グルー ザ・シリーズ ミニオン 2D TV Series Despicable Me The Series Minion

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