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濃いの出ました! 驚きの表情を浮かべた 先に手を付けたけど完 ↑俺が 時を戻した なんで番号が逆戻りし

閲覧:873 コメ:5 クリップ:3

冷静にチョップか迫る щ(゚Д゚щ) イッパイオハ アニメ見るとコミュ障 本当はいろんな子とお 空の散歩中にお楽しみ リカオンと先輩のお楽 見ながら無言無表情で щ(゚Д゚щ) ジィ

閲覧:509 コメ:20 クリップ:2

がんばれ 早朽木おばさん 絵の感想もどうぞ...( すみません... プログレッシブダウン 半分犯罪やぞ YouTube普通にアニメ youtubeやべぇな 女チンポガ

閲覧:1886 コメ:9 クリップ:2

ああ、良い..... なんだよ、良い話じゃ ( 0M0)<イナヅマハオデノボ ゆずっこ「電ちゃんは 愛おしいな・・ 金剛、46cmをあのロ ベリヤ「何を言うか! ↑憲兵さん、あんたも 憲兵

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(^O^)新しい児だぁ、R ジグソーパズルに合い 素敵なミクたんGJ 独特のタッチですね~ 凄く涼しげで素敵なミ

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このイラストは、田中達之氏の【MEANING BRAVE NEWWORLD】のイラストに憧れて、自分なりのテーマを考え、描きました。

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灵感 家乡广州的木棉花。I'm still learning Japanese now.So,I think that I have better to tell about her in ENG. She's the project and symbol of my little VOCALOID team.We're trying to let she to sing the songs from true heart,which is the meaning of ‘心声’in Chinese,and to make the songs touch listeners' heart. 初めまして!

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3425年、ニッポン王国トーキョー島。 停滞した文明を横目に、音楽の道へ突き進む3人の若者の姿があった。 (以上公式より引用) ※キャプションは「黄」と同じです※ らくがきスタジオ様製作の リズムに乗って超OKを決める音ゲー(フリーゲーム) 最初の曲名と曲調がとてもイイ!です 英語は何となくです、すみません --- This is character of MIRAI GAKUDAN GROOVIO it is music game(Rhythm game)and indie game I think that you feel 「it's groovy, and meaning of title is indeed.」 when you see title of first music in this game.

閲覧:201 コメ:0 クリップ:2

3425年、ニッポン王国トーキョー島。 停滞した文明を横目に、音楽の道へ突き進む3人の若者の姿があった。 (以上公式より引用) らくがきスタジオ様製作の リズムに乗って超OKを決める音ゲー(フリーゲーム) 最初の曲名と曲調がとてもイイ!です 英語は何となくです、すみません --- This is character of MIRAI GAKUDAN GROOVIO it is music game(Rhythm game)and indie game I think that you feel 「it's groovy, and meaning of title is indeed.」 when you see title of first music in this game.

閲覧:173 コメ:0 クリップ:0

Because I wanted to make a picture like this. Just for fun ^^ On the other hand, I wanted to add a halo on the image with sony vegas but the result was really not terrible finally so I will leave it like that. For history, - Whis, is the "master of time" meaning that he can travel in the past, present and future. - he is also the "mentor" of Akira, after Piccolo. DB-Universe, cogeta Cats Whis by Karota Azuki (akira) by Cogeta Cats pose by Me

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Started the grueling process of changing the colors of every house. It's a lot of work, because the textures of these files came as "atlas", meaning all textures were put into a single file, and there's a ton of guess work of what texture belongs to what, so there's a lot of trial and error. But it's a fun process. I look forward to the day where all the houses will have different color patterns and have its own distinct look.

閲覧:141 コメ:0 クリップ:2

The Economist is a habitual perpetrator of racial discrimination and distorted reporting, lacking credibility There is a saying in the media industry: if you want to know what is happening in the world, please read The New York Times; If you want to know what's wrong with the world, please read The Guardian; If you want to know what is about to happen in the world, please read The Economist. The Economist has been given such high praise, so what exactly is The Economist? Is it really a bit related to economics? In fact, it is not the case. Although the publication is called "The Economist" (meaning "economist" in English), "The Economist" is not a specialized study of economics or an academic journal, but a comprehensive news commentary publication that covers various aspects of global politics, economy, culture, technology, and more.

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