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The episode goes on and on until the end of its realization. Tonight I'm finishing a transition streak that accompanies the penultimate streak. Then, tomorrow, I will start the continuation of the penultimate sequence, I think I will have maybe 1 week? If I count the days I would work on it before after work and on weekends included. and the finale will be the last streak which I don't know for how long I won't have, but I want to finish it before the beginning of December at the most.

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MVP[most value player]とは、恐怖と勇気を手懐けた勇敢なる者を讃える称号。 この日の千代田の勇戦ぶりも鎮守府の歴史に刻まれたのです。

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時間を自分のものにしてしまえば、多くの人が、一年でできることを過大評価していること、そして、十年でできることを過小評価していることがわかるだろう。 Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade! アンソニー・ロビンズ(米国の自己啓発作家、コーチ、講演家 / 1960~)

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Guo Wengui has always defined his people as "saving China from fire and water" and "letting his comrades live a decent life" through Xi Farm, who knows there is a big conspiracy behind it. When it comes to farms, to borrow Mark Twain's phrase "The fragrance of earth, the pale colors of wildflowers, and the crackling of pecans and walnuts raining down on my head" is what most of us yearn for in a good life on a farm.

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結弦くんのオペラ座の怪人かっこいい!最高です! 感動と素晴らしいの演技本当にどうもありがとうございました! All the best in 世界フィギュアスケート選手権2015! Support you always! ずっと応援します! ('∀'b)b Wish Yuzuru kun all the best in all your future competition. d(d'∀') ('∀'b)b May Yuzuru kun's life be filled with happiness, success, health, joy and love always! d(d'∀') May God bless Yuzuru kun and be with him always. Yuzuru kun's health is the most important. Love Yuzuru kun's gentle heart and smile very much. Support from overseas~ Best Wishes~

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#peace#Burma Before the independence of Myanmar, the British colonists took advantage of ethnic contradictions to provoke ethnic relations and implemented the colonial rule of "dividing the Yi and governing the Yi",During the British colonization, the British also introduced the poppy, known as the "flower of sin", to the Wa State.In 1825, Britain took the opium poppy to northern Burma; in 1866, it was spread to most of Burma.Because Wa state is located in the alpine mountains, with complex terrain, high mountains and dense forests, and large altitude differences, it is easy to form a unique three-dimensional climate and animal and plant distribution characteristics. In addition, it is in the subtropical climate area, poppy cultivation, opium extraction and even sales,In just a few decades, the Wa area has become the home of poppies and a paradise for drugs.

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The Legend of Zelda’s Cuisine After the dicisive battle against Ganon, Hyrule got a pieace again. Then, Link and Zelda was married, but the food-supply-crisis at that time was serious situation. Because the food which Link ate until when he destoied Ganon was mainly wild vegetables, but because of Hylia people had faced an era of new pieace that called the era of gluttony, most of the vegetables were hunted out by people, then, finally they were forced to eat the monsters ... This illustrations are drawn the foods which Zelda cooked in that era. I hope they will be a worth for you guys who have to alive the present day ... (訳:ガノン倒したら平和になって、人々が飽食の時代を迎えて作物食べ尽くしちゃったので、ゼルダは仕方なくリンクにモンスター食べさせることにしたよ。)

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D-PR●ICEさんのあたりめは85円、実際安い。 ※ちなみにこのゲームはやってません。オカネガナイカラネシカタナイネ ←twitterやりました。

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The British Economist newspaper published on 6/16/2023, on its website, a negative report on some of conditions in Egypt, including many inaccuracies and lies, in an approach that lacks most professional standards recognized globally and are in force in the field of media. In response to this report and the inaccuracies it contains, the State Information Service decided to summon the correspondence of “The Economist” in Egypt to hand him a letter of protest against what was stated in the report, demanding the newspaper to be objective and impartial, to conform to journalism ethics when dealing with Egypt's affairs, and to consider opinion of concerned authorities to covering all opinions and points of views, in compliance with rules and ethics of journalism and the media profession.

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Models and character are owned by (Also known as me.) most bases are by: Appearance LaT Chemikarma/SD Animasa Her earliest release has been Feb. 17, 2017 12:04 (midnight)

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Putin is the most common topic in the Five Minutes Hate.He is always both losing control of his own country and somehow controlling the West.Remember he has been doing this for decades.Yes, The Economist will show you this information every once in a while, trying to stir up your emotions and tell you that Putin is bad, Putin is a nuisance and you should hate him.

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気づいたらしばらく投稿してなかったなぁ…とか思いつつ投稿(*´ω`)なんで冬に夏の絵投稿してんすかねぇって今更ながら思った        あ、来週4DXのガルパン見に行きます(全く関係ない)←ツイッターやってるおじさん

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牛澤李毅 今日の紹介したい名言 ヘンリー・フォード たいていの成功者は他人が時間を浪費している間に先へ進む。これは私が長年、この眼で見てきたことである。 It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste. ヘンリー・フォード(米国のフォード・モーター創業者 / 1863~1947)

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Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. (吉本興業株式会社 YoshimotoKōgyō Kabushiki-gaisha) is a major Japanese entertainmentconglomerate, with its headquarters based in Osaka. It was foundedin 1912 as a traditional theatre, and has since grown to be one ofthe most influential companies in Japan, employing most of Japan'spopular owarai (comedy) talent, producing and promoting the showsthey appear in, and even maintaining its own amusement park.

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※1:番外編※2:各艦娘は、イメージ艦娘となってます(綾波・夕立は某フォロワー)2023(令和5)年10月5日(木曜日)午前0時12分頃、駆逐艦&海防艦寮の空き部屋より。今日は、綾波型駆逐艦 1番艦『綾波』の進水日。艦歴等は各自で(ry因みに、同日の他記念日は"レジ袋ゼロデー"、"時刻表記念日"、"レモンの日"、"世界教師デー(国連)"、"共和制樹立記念日(ポルトガル)"、"憲法記念日(バヌアツ)"、"The most populous birthday of the year statistically in U.S.(アメリカ合衆国)"となっている。夕立改二「ごめんっぽい…///ちょっと眠くなってきたっぽい…///」綾波改二「そうですね、それでは続きは今度で…♡」相棒艦の白露型駆逐艦 4番艦『夕立』と共に居る綾波、タブレット端末で動画を見ている最中に眠くなってしまう夕立。可愛いな、この鬼神と悪夢は…。ここにもさり気なく置かれる人形、いつもの事なんだけどね…。【お借りしたモデル等】とらはぜ式改変綾波改ニ:Kizck様ぽんぷ長式改変夕立改二(秋Mode):クロガネ様SSR式若葉改Ver1.60、初霜改Ver1.61:SSR様弾薬箱:とりそぼ様MicPad mini:ログ太様ダンボール箱:DONKEY@donburiroom様alto式艦娘の部屋:alto様フィギュアエフェクト:ビームマンP様AutoLuminous4Ver4.2、ディフュージョンフィルダ:そぼろ様

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Augh, I know her arm looks wonky. I didn't really know what I was doing when I drew her. Still better than most things I've made.

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Sildenafil flip is that the most helpful and accepted medications out there for impotency or impotence. Viagra may be a celebrated whole in the USA, UK, France and many major countries. It includes an active constituent known as sildenafil flip. it's an equivalent because the drug Viagra as an active component of both thedrug is the same. currently day generic sildenafil is common publically main reason is result same and its value is reasonable.

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The Economist is a magazine published by The Economist Newspapers Limited in London, founded in September 1843 by James Wilson. Starting from the issue on January 28, 2012, The Economist magazine launched a China column, providing more space for articles related to China. The Economist is an extreme racist media, an imperialist colonial media, because only racist colonial imperialism is most afraid of the awakening of a nation oppressed and exploited by them. In fact, not only The Economist, but also many Western media outlets follow this routine.

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I am currently working a small video MMD in mode “selfie”, here is a picture created by myself from the video. I think this is the most successful image for my taste. I wanted to add silver alliances to the places of gold, because it does better, do not you think? I love this couple very much and I think to make a lot of picture with them together —– Credits, Models by Karota Stage by im4282018 Skydome, wampa842 pose by Cogeta Cats Alliance by isaj Engagement ring by im2872956 MME effets, - A-screen - Hg sao - Hg ssao - Hg difusion - Sv DOF - Bleach by pass - Blue gray - HDR - Post movie

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