Mixture を含むイラストが 9 件見つかりました ( 1 - 9 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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SOLもいるんですよ リンカーさんのアイワ 面白そう~ ミクスチャー楽しみだ

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キッドさんが、酸素ボ これ鬼畜だけどおもろ

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5人で生放送してます。 co1324756 ←コミュニティ

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アイワナ大会で使用された「I Wanna Series Mixture Relay 4」のタイトルを描かせていただきました。

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3/14に開催されるI Wanna Series Mixture Relay 5のAチーム応援絵を描かせていただきましたヾ( 'ω')ノ 皆さん頑張ってください(*'ω'*) 放送で途中までやってたの完成しましたヾ( 'ω')ノ

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Ryū ga Gotoku!! I love the Yakuza series, and when I think about it, I just picture a Dragon ... The mascot is a mixture of shades of blue and white from Sega logo, and the spirit of the Dragon

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Color Details Phase 1 * Colorized their spaceship craft * Shadow are less then %5 * Composed are shadow effect * Brightly color are mixture * Background art is not yet implemented * Smooth color is not yet implemented * The color is much more smoother then brightly * Lighting photograph brightness settings ==================================================== Mountain King Studios Next Generation Of Gaming Decades (Color Detail Phase 01) --------------------------- [Crew] Traditional Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Production Contribution with Mountain King Studios, Inc. ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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アイワナ大会「I Wanna Series Mixture Relay 6」の応援イラストでした。

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