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I don't know Kancoll ^ You mean "Dawn of I believe you will g

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Kemika Len And Rin was entering the Throwback game of the years, Sincerely were that entering for Windows 95 to Kemika Len And Rin variously are the topics about the game developer and designer by people was the popular one hits is Terminal Reality titled: "Fury 3" some of the Kemika Len And Rin favorable windows indie games at all times. Nearly after from 20 years of Windows 95 is giving throwbacks some difference any classic games are sharing personal to be played as shareware and commercial full game products. Kemika Len and Rin was also they liked the classic indie windows games for Windows 95 back in 1995 sincerely they're got made the Independent computer games based their the full in-house game development studios somewhere in Worldwide.

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Travelling back in time towards the beginning in SEGA's game-making career, Punching Bag became one of their first arcade games back in 1960. In 1976, Heavyweight Champ was released by SEGA as one of their first video games in the arcade. With these significant origins of SEGA being deeply influenced by the sport of Boxing, Seji Gaio enters the ring! Seji is, as one would guess, a kangaroo. He is very energetic, never shying away from proving himself, while he is also very pure of heart, willing to look out for the welfare of others. At times, Seji might be seen as rather prideful and overzealous, though that is merely speculation as it is all done in parody. Seji also carries a very persevering attitude, not willing to give up any fight no matter what, regardless if it's physical or mental. Seji Gaio is my personal attempt at making a sub-mascot intent on reliving the history of SEGA, while carrying the spirit rather reminiscent of the true mascot of SEGA, Sonic the Hedgehog. Enjoy!

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