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輸血パックは成分ごと 続》その車のライトが アウディだったっけ、 献血出来る人が減少し 指先とかなら恐くない 今期アニメで血をボト 平和 給血してる娘もいたし 吸血鬼っ

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アライパーク?(難聴 ジャパリパークがアラ わーい!ありがとうー かばんちゃんかわいい そういえばカーくんも けものフレンズもぷよ かばんちゃん→アルル かばんちゃん

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脚力は腕力の3倍ある ↑俺が先だ 殴ったら負け?じゃあ more!more!!more!!! (無言の腹パン) ※殴っ 人類に勝ち目はない! 俺負けたわw

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hkzさんの椛だ!! PVよかったです!! うむ。頭のぽんぽんふ かわいい

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こういうジオラマ系の すげえ 悲惨っすなー

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俺もです 激しく同意する 彼女いない歴=年齢+ 彼女いない歴= くやしいもんっ くやしくなんかないも くやしくないもん・・ 俺だ・・・ なるhど

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巨乳さんかよwww Σ:エビス丸か!

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Zen Zen dressing the Halloween seasons their red ties are spirit from the holidays through the months of October, Eaching the costumes anyone are views to shy and adorable looks Halloween cosplayer. Note: This art are probably beta built was made it out from couples hours admitted gets shade, lighting, art effect sometimes later with other day. ==================================================== ZenZen Beauty Halloween Spirit Red Ties --------------------------- [Crew] Digital Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Lead Art Direction: James Emirzian Waldementer Production Art Design And Adaptation Digital Artist Studio by Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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This is my original 森の子どもたち (MORIKO). A story about 9 guardians *custodians* and one girl. Their journey is full of joy and sorrow. okay, this sweet girl is Rumi. Her ability is 「healing」. She is a rabbit from the southern part of the forest. She is shy and lovely, she hates quarrels. Likes to eat and she dreams of returning to her village. Has repaid her soul for healing ability. Travels in search of a flower that grows in the middle of the forest.

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This is my entry for the Sega Mascot competition. His name is Flit, he's a sweet animal who floats to travel around. He's a little shy, but he's always smiling.

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He is the emotional are adorable, He makes very shy and cute young boy ====================================== MMD CG Visual Effect: 3D Modeling Designer: Kemika Character Design Modeler: Kemika Properly Character Model from: AkemiWhy [Crew] MMD CG Picture Skit / Visual Effect Photography / Language Translation James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== Who Framed Miku, picture skit is the Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co., Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. TM & (c) 2001,03,09,10,17 Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. All rights reversed.

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He have to big surprised when he looking up some teens and adulthood girls that he makes feeling like the heartbeat can go faster beating ====================================== MMD CG Visual Effect: 3D Modeling Designer: Kemika Character Design Modeler: Kemika Properly Character Model from: AkemiWhy [Crew] MMD CG Picture Skit / Visual Effect Photography / Language Translation James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== Who Framed Miku, picture skit is the Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co., Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. TM & (c) 2001,03,09,10,17 Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. All rights reversed.

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今日もまた、浅瀬に擱座した戦船の側で空を見上げる。 見上げる空はまるで宝石をばら撒いた様に星が散らばり、瞬いている。 閉じた瞼の裏に蘇る、心優しき陸の若者の姿。 こんなにも醜い私を、こんなにも無力な私を、 それでも「素敵だ」と言ってくれたあの若者を送り出してから、 どれ程の時間がたったのだろう。 二度と再会は叶わぬとわかっていながら、それでも彼をただひたすらに想い続け、 残された思い出だけを手向けに、星空の下でそれを噛み締める。 私の選んだ、私だけの想いの時間。 星空の下で広げるこの時間が、今の私のすべて。 I sing for you, I think of you. 「貴方の為に歌い、貴方を想うわ。」 I remember where I lost my mind,remember when you caught my eyes. 「私が心を奪われた場所も、私の視線を捕らえた時も憶えてる。」 You know of your all,you don't be shy. 「分かってるんでしょう?照れないで。」 I remember where I lost my mind,remember when you caught my eyes today. 「心を奪われた場所も、貴方が私の視線を捉えた時も忘れない。」 Starry sky. 「星空がとてもきれいね」 Don't leave me Kiss you,today is starry. 「置いて行かないでキスをして、今日は星が綺麗だから。」 Come for me... 「いつか迎えに来てね、」 Starry sky. 「こんなにきれいな星空の下で待ってるから」 今回のイメージレスポンスはこちら sm10478203 のBGMからです

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照れ笑い?そういう感じの子っていいよね! 若干みすがあったため修正

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照れ気味のパチェリーさまw Застенчивый Patchery W Un timide patchery w Ein schüchternes Flickwerk w A shy patchery w 수줍어 기색 빠체리 님 w 害羞的拼布w

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