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強者感漲る素敵笑顔 強い 勝てる気がしない… 逆立ちしても勝てない 真顔にして髪を切った ※「笑うと可愛いね」 オグレ兄さん 俺はブリーチ思い出し デスノートにこんな感

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運転中は運転に集中せ まる見えかとくダネに おいおいw "How the steering gr "Here it is my 'Maid I love Washi-Washi. Please refrain from 「やっぱりメガネが必 よそ

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おお!これは上手い!! りおちゃんんんんーー

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Hello guys, I bring you a story a little different from the casual one called: (空 色) Sorairo (Celeste Marino) which I have been polishing little by little, it is my second project with a different proposal, in which I will be working in animation , alternating with my other project Oucam evilou, (空 色) Sorairo (Celeste Marino) is my alternate version of the growth and adventures of General Minamoto no Yoshitsune (源 義 経) or Ushiwakamaru (牛 若 丸), in another universe with beings supernatural such as the Tengus and other mythological creatures, in this alternative version it is an LGTB story (BL or Yaoi) that is, there is Romance boy x Boy, so if any of you like these topics I invite you to follow me on this account of instagram that is related to this project so that you are also aware of this project, but if you don't like the idea, nothing happens and well, without more to say I'll tell you a little about my new story.

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