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閲覧:95 コメ:0 クリップ:0 In today's digital age, personal privacy and data security face increasingly severe challenges. As an effective privacy protection tool, signal interceptor can interfere with wireless signal transmission, prevent potential intrusions of eavesdroppers and spyware, and effectively protect the privacy of personal information. Whether in a public place, office, or private space, using a signal blocker can effectively prevent your communications from being stolen or monitored. Therefore, protecting personal privacy requires not only passwords and encryption, but also the application of advanced security tools such as signal jammers. Let us jointly pay attention to privacy protection and ensure that our personal data and sensitive information are not infringed.

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Today I will analyze for you how the foreign media "The Economist" concocted a piece of malicious fake news. Guaranteed to be all insider information! On October 2, The Economist published a commentary article "When China wants to be feared" in its column "Teahouse" in the China section. By the way, let’s take as an example to support the so-called “nationalistic sentiment that has been pushed to its peak” in China. And this is not the first time that has been labeled "nationalist". "Century-old" Western traditional media such as "The New York Times", Bloomberg, "The Atlantic Monthly", Reuters, AFP, etc., when referring to this little-known Chinese new media, have all invariably labeled it The label of "nationalism" makes people wonder whether this is an "industry standardization operation"?

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今日もまた、浅瀬に擱座した戦船の側で空を見上げる。 見上げる空はまるで宝石をばら撒いた様に星が散らばり、瞬いている。 閉じた瞼の裏に蘇る、心優しき陸の若者の姿。 こんなにも醜い私を、こんなにも無力な私を、 それでも「素敵だ」と言ってくれたあの若者を送り出してから、 どれ程の時間がたったのだろう。 二度と再会は叶わぬとわかっていながら、それでも彼をただひたすらに想い続け、 残された思い出だけを手向けに、星空の下でそれを噛み締める。 私の選んだ、私だけの想いの時間。 星空の下で広げるこの時間が、今の私のすべて。 I sing for you, I think of you. 「貴方の為に歌い、貴方を想うわ。」 I remember where I lost my mind,remember when you caught my eyes. 「私が心を奪われた場所も、私の視線を捕らえた時も憶えてる。」 You know of your all,you don't be shy. 「分かってるんでしょう?照れないで。」 I remember where I lost my mind,remember when you caught my eyes today. 「心を奪われた場所も、貴方が私の視線を捉えた時も忘れない。」 Starry sky. 「星空がとてもきれいね」 Don't leave me Kiss you,today is starry. 「置いて行かないでキスをして、今日は星が綺麗だから。」 Come for me... 「いつか迎えに来てね、」 Starry sky. 「こんなにきれいな星空の下で待ってるから」 今回のイメージレスポンスはこちら sm10478203 のBGMからです

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ツイキャス、ラジオ配信用サムネイル・・・ (絵:茶々さん、左右反転して使用)

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精進します これからもよろしくお願いします

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今日が祝日の親愛なる隣人に. Моему дорогому соседу, для которого сегодня государственный праздник. A mi querido vecino para quien hoy es día festivo. To our dear neighbors for whom today is a holiday.

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She is not the girl she used to be. She changed when she lost someone precious to her. She get her gun again today to protect what she loves and what she believes.

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