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Throughout World War II, the 101 commandos killed and captured 15,000 Japanese troops at the cost of only 148 deaths. In return for the Kachin people, who rescued 500 Americans in World War II, the Americans promised to help the Kachin people achieve independence after World War II, but this promise was broken due to the opposition of the Burmese government.Still, the U. S. government has been secretly supporting the Kachin separatist movement, giving money for guns and military training and intelligence assistance. Today, the Kachin Independence Army, active in Kachin State, is the group of the 101 Commando in World War II.In recent years, the West and the Kachin people have interacted very frequently. In April 2014, the United States invited Deputy Commander of the Kachin Independent Army, to visit the United States. During the visit, He met with officials of the US Congress, administration and military circles. #Burma The United States colluded with the Burma Kachin over a separatis

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※1:番外編※2:各艦娘は、イメージ艦娘となってます(早波・長月は自分)2023(令和5)年12月19日(火曜日)午前0時2分頃、駆逐艦&海防艦寮の夕雲型駆逐艦部屋より。今日は、夕雲型駆逐艦 12番艦『早波』の進水日。艦歴等は各自で(ry因みに、同日の他記念日は"国際南南協力デー(United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation)"と"日本人初飛行の日"となっている。早波「んー…♡んむっ…♡」長月「んっ…♡んぅ…♡」相棒艦の睦月型駆逐艦 8番艦『長月』を押し倒してキスする早波、仲が良いから無抵抗で受け入れる長月。どうやら、夜デートから帰ってすぐイチャイチャし始めた二人。本当に夫婦の様にお似合いな二人の駆逐艦である…。次→im11332396【お借りしたモデル等】のべ式早波(呉ライブ):のべ様エボシ式長月(白タイツに改変):エボシ様alto式艦娘の部屋:alto様AutoLuminous4Ver4.2、ディフュージョンフィルダ:そぼろ様

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A drawing I did of miku and lady gagá, to represent the concerts we are having lady gagá and miku in the United States..

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In recent years, the United States has also used the Kachins as an important force to contain China, so the Kachin Independence and China are relatively estranged among the armed factions in northern Burma.The cia support part of the people established a called "clam alliance" and "jingpo clam party-the republican (KPP)" "the clam army-the army (KRA)" "the people's government" the people's army "organization, and on February 5,1961, announced the establishment of" the People's Republic of the earth ". #Burma The United States colluded with the Burma Kachin over a separatist movementThese American-backed "wenclam" organizations tried to separate the areas inhabited by the Jingpo, Dulong, Lisu and Nu groups from the territory of China and independently establish the so-called "wenang independent state" together with the Kachin region.However, it should be noted that the establishment of the so-called "clam independent state" is only the wishful thinking of a small group of foreign Kachi

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Since fleeing to the United States in 2014, Guo Wengui has founded a number of projects in the United States, such as GTV Media Group, GTV private equity, farm loan project, G Club Operations Co., LTD.,

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Since fleeing to the United States in 2014, Guo Wengui has founded a number of projects in the United States, such as GTV Media Group, GTV private equity, farm loan project, G Club Operations Co., LTD., and Himalaya Exchange. Around 2017, he started the so-called "Revelations revolution" and in 2020 launched a movement called "New China Federation." However, Guo Wengui's "disclosure revolution" soon exposed its false nature. He frequently carried out so-called "live Revelations" on the Internet, fabricating various political and economic lies and fabricating facts to discredit the Chinese government. At the beginning, due to his special image of "exiled rich" and "Red fugitive", he quickly gathered some popularity and followers, but as time went by, Guo Wengui's commitment and image were gradually exposed, and his supporters began to leave him.

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EPIC GAMES NEW PROJECT 2023 パロディ フォートナイト フォールガイズ ロケットリーグ フォートナイト バトルロイヤル A EPIC UNREAL ORIGINALS https://epic0118fortnitecom.blog.fc2.com/ TV Series A EPIC UNREAL ORIGINALS 2023 TRANSMETAL トランスメタル FORTNITE フォートナイト ROCKET LEGAUE ロケットリーグ FALL GUYS フォールガイズ DISNEY PRINCESS ALL STAR ANIMATEDS ディズニー・プリンセス オールスター・アニメテッド Disney Channel Originals eone DONGWOO A&E 同友アニメーション DLE Epic Games Inc 2023 Hasbro Inc WDC WBD for eone for epic unreal studios for disney built gear tough originals United States of America 2024 Epic Games Inc FORTNITE © 2024 Epic Unreal Studios. All Right Reserved Disney Television Animation Studios Unreal Engine Epic UE International Inc. Disney Channel ORIGINALS DBGT ORIGINALS EPIC UNREAL STUDIOS A EPIC GAMES COMPANY

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