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【RPG+シナリオ講座】異界の魔女夜行 アツマールで 公開中 https://game.nicovideo.jp/atsumaru/games/gm6985?link_in=index_update

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As bad news never comes alone ... Nah, I'm kidding ! After the small update of my model, I took the opportunity to redo the poster of Monster and also reworked the pose. There is another special pose "end of year party" which was to be finished for Christmas 2019, but which could not be finished, so I will would take this opportunity to finish it soon and post it in the coming weeks, I think. the old version can be found here: im9365213

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In the last video I made, I wanted to test the mask on Akira by adding the facial expressions that characterize her in her "shinigami" form. I did take the opportunity to add some gloves that I had exported from XPS (from another concept being finished.) the result looks promising! I still have to work on various things in the meantime ... In any case I hope you like the next MMD video specially focused on combat! because I wanted to try to add new effects to give more punch on the other hand, sorry for some sound effects that could offend you, I added it myself ^^ '

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なんだかんだで300回、ありがとうございます。 #ホメルnanika - ニコニコ静画 (マンガ) http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/comic/35924 【描】ホメルnanika 300回 - ニコニコ動画 https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm35591144

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For those who convert models for MMD, do you already know what I'm talking about, no? Well... I want to speak precisely of the texture, for my part the hair of the model was in only one material. i wanted to give something cleaner and more natural but i didnt succeed the first time even trying with various SPH. I ended up quickly giving up, believe me... today I tried the "arisumatio" method with the following trick - https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Splitting_meshes_in_Blender it already seems a good result! I then reworked the texture of the hair, for the moment it's not yet perfect but it already gives a start. I still have to finish tidying up the materials to avoid it being strange as in the picture.

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EN: I made a shiny Pokémon particle effect. It is not the best, but I tried. It took me only about an hour to complete. I will update it someday in the future to improve how it appears and add some supplemental effects. But this should do for now. JP: 光るポケモンのパーティクルエフェクトを作りました。ベストではありませんが、やってみました。完成まで1時間くらいしかかかりませんでした。今後、いつかアップデートして、見え方を改善したり、補助的なエフェクトを追加したりする予定です。でも、今はこれで十分です。 DL link: https://bowlroll.net/file/279799

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Hi all! I'm Project RL-16, also known as BeWithmiku or Hungarian Miku-chan. 2022.10.17 - This is the last day when old videos are still available (except for MMD videos) I can't believe that the channel is almost 6 years old. Thank you for the many views and likes. But... This is not the end as i managed to develop my very own model that i will use to create new videos! youtubee chanel: http://www.youtube.com/c/BeWithMiku Blue Moon viedo update:202210.18

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Nether UpdateのWarpedシリーズがミクさんカラーに近かったので!

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Nether UpdateのPiglinを、テクスチャでゆかりんにしてみました。 亜種さん風に改造して遊んでます・・・w

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【RPG+シナリオ講座】異界の魔女夜行 アツマールで 公開中 https://game.nicovideo.jp/atsumaru/games/gm6985?link_in=index_update

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以前配布した(im6188126)ブラスト・エメラルダをUpdateしました 内容は ダミーコクピットを排除し、im6098639で配布されている オリジナルコクピットを埋め込んだ 「ブラスト・エメラルダ(CP・設置足付き)完全版」 という名称で別モデルを追加 配布先 →https://bowlroll.net/file/117773 PASS→静画番号

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12/13は​ 真歌ジョー誕生祭2023 ! ジョーさんおめでとうございます! 動画作成等で使える非公式立ち絵素材。PSDTool(https://oov.github.io/psdtool/)の独自拡張機能に対応。 使用する時は公式の規約を守ってご使用ください。 この立ち絵自体の販売は禁止ですが、公式の規約で収益化での利用が許可されている場合に限り収益化作品での利用ができます。 自作発言・再配布・転載禁止。できるだけ作品URLまたは作者名(瑠璃蝶)のクレジット表記(不可能な場合は必要ありません)、ニコニコでの使用の場合はコンテンツツリー登録をお願いします。 ダウンロードはこちら https://ux.getuploader.com/ruriirochocho/download/156 2024/2/8 ver1.1 ・目と口の位置の調整 ・【涙2】を変更&【ぺろっ】を【テヘペロ】に変更 ・執事差分追加&口差分を数点追加&目差分大量追加

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Youtube channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbPs2r9DMpICDZ1g2cYH3SA/videos Model : RL-16 Ver (Realistic 1.0) Face Update

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ポテチが美味しいみたいです 漫画も描きました。見ていただけると嬉しいです。 「底辺 猫絵描きがプロになる」ニコニコの漫画に投稿してます https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/comic/66692?track=top_update 過去作に広告ありがとうございます(∩´∀`)∩

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【RPG+シナリオ講座】異界の魔女夜行 アツマールで ツクールMZ版ver. 1.0.2公開中 https://game.nicovideo.jp/atsumaru/games/gm6985?link_in=index_update

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A quick update to my previous work on the F.C.R AR-15 lower receiver. where i make shotgun shorty style grip and few piece of internal part for F.C.R AR-15 lower receiver.

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Isn't she pretty? :3 I updated it and she is slightly better worked for the video. I added a necklace and a bracelet to him and I added his ID card I also found her a first name, her name is "Ume Kimura" small detail without importance, certe ^^' it's an OC created by myself, its first version can be found here: fav.me/ddilafa Ume plays the role of an intern at the Family Mart store, her role is rapid in history because she is just an extras. Ume will be voiced by Veronica Barrera -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Credits, - Adult Rin: marsissey - Request #34: marsissey - Cart with cartons: DigitalExplorations - Stage: sm15356008

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お久しぶりの更新、VMDSのレインボー版追加しました 紹介動画はこちらから sm37223695 配布先:https://bowlroll.net/file/213963 パスワード:KEFSV2 お借りしたもの:AutoLuminous4(sm16087751)そぼろ様

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