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No.14781747 Thank yo so cute! かわいいw No.14022475 ? なるへそ・・おもいで No.14011683 :) 平和な日々

閲覧:642 コメ:6 クリップ:1

なんかいいなー おおー、きれい 毒を持った「華と美人 おお、きれい!

閲覧:938 コメ:4 クリップ:11

The sound of a chain これも海外勢か I want to see the ro I've read the descri put it on the descri I'm a little sorry I Oh! steampunk World

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もう仮面巨人は絶滅し 仮面巨人の一部の人っ ワロタwwwwwwww昔は仮 むしろ煽ってください 現状はマスコット扱い

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子銀が銀八先生に鶴を 幸せ…。Liddy式仔銀ち 未来を担う子供たちに 銀八保育士さんだああ 可愛すぎて鼻血とか出 きたあああああ(Д♪ かわいい!!

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GUMIちゃんかわいい! 雰囲気がめっちゃいい GJ!

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ありがとうございます いいね!!

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クリックしたららっこ Fantastic! ↑これから腐れるんじ こ、これが完成体か・ UMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE こええええええええ

閲覧:2506 コメ:6 クリップ:12

more people start us people in sao find笛 Finally 戰爭の奏鳴曲 surprisingly use 春 ne day, a player who only few player use so it is not effecti 【その他】Orig

閲覧:100 コメ:8 クリップ:0

版主:Thans a lot! ↑これは愛と根性で読 なんて書いてあるか分

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hinagiku 80年代アニメっぽい感 .. lol

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     worromoT olleH ⇔ Hello tomorrow,  ?kcul ynA ?llew gnioG ⇔ Going well?Any luck? daeha baor gnol a s'tI ⇔ It's a longroad ahead neu・・・

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Well, i'm noy expecting to winan and this seems to be aimed at a japanese market, but when i saw the contest through the sonicstadium i thought "why not?" I used a design similar to sonic the hedgehog because it is their most recognisable character. The blue and white are based around the SEGA-logos colors and the clothing comes from how SEGA acted in the 90's when they were trying to be hip and cool.

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oh well.I don't know japanese....... I'm GLaD that you guys see my picture~~~ おお......portal miku~~~

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Antai is my first ogre/demon type character I made back in April. He is a nice and kindhearted demon from Kyoto. Sometimes, he likes to goof off when he has nothing to do. He also wears a pink fundoshi when he's at home, or at the beach. Despite his homosexuality, he likes to dress up in Lolita costumes in his own time. He also uses magical seals for his own protection. He can go up to 9 forms, which is shown in the picture. One more thing: he has a pet bull named "Akaushi" a red bull. He's chubby in this form, and his tanuki, cat, chameleon, and gecko forms as well.

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This is my latest design, they are not very well done because I had to do really fast, for I remembered that the contest ends on the 7th, here in Brazil is the 6th, but in japan is now 7 and 8 lack a minutes left to me to post. >. .< Queria dar os créditos ao fabio uemura por ajudar com o design desta. Meus créditos a ele.

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Well.. it's just a little card I made.

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I made up this creature myself. He is not of an animal that exists. I can never think of a name to give him. I leave that up to you. I am not skilled enough at Japanese yet! I'm sorry! I am using very simple words so that you can read and translate this well.

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Blaster Raptor(or Blast for short)is a prehistoric Raptor with a human-like body structure and his trademark item andweapon of choice is his mechanical gloves that he uses over the course of his adventure and aids him on his journey.During his adventure, he will come across many different gloves and each has a unique ability that he can usein certain situations. STORY Blaster's story takes place a few hundred years in the future on Earth.Scientists were trying to discover a way to bring dinosaurs back to life as well as find a way to make them calm and more human-like so they can live amonsgt humans in a civilized way.Blaster and another unamed dinosaur(the Villain) was the only sucessful test subjects and the scientists took them in as students so they became very intelligent.One day the Villain dinosaur left and took most of the supplies he needed to make the machine to bring back dinosaurs but in their original wild state so they could wreck havoc around the world.

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