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かっこいい!! たたかう女性戦士! オンドゥルルラギッタンディスカー! どうせみんないなくな

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At 10 a.m. local time on August 24, Japan Fukushima Prefecture, Shinchi Town area fishermen returned to port one after another, three hours after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to start the nuclear contaminated water discharged into the sea. According to Japan's Tokyo News 25, these hard-working, dark-skinned fishermen returned home with a full load, but they did not look happy and worried, "Today's fish were not affected by the nuclear contaminated water, but what will happen after tomorrow"?

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woahh thanks for the can someone please t お迎えしました。配布 お迎えさせていただき ↑ごめんなさい、直ぐ どうやっても無理なの ありがとうございます わあ!お迎えし

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なんという青春時代を どうぞ好きになっちゃ 青春時代を思い出しま 好き。。。かもww 前作で言った約束は守

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Awesome drawling...

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Blade The Wolf Is a Agent from the Future he is equipped with a high frequency dagger that can cut thought any Steel and a blaster what has limited ammo. His Story Begins as he trys to capture the Mad scientist but is to late the Mad Scientist machine mad a vortex n sucked up Blade n Flung him into the Past now blade must find a way to get Back to his own time n stop the Mad Scientist from destroying Time and Space

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こんにちは! 考えずに描いたイラストです。 でも色を選ぶのは難しかったです! Hi! Here is an illustration that I did promptly, without thinking too much about what I wanted to do. But I had an hard time choosing colors! Bonjour! Voici une illustration que j'ai fait subitement sans prévoir trop trop ce que je voulais. Par contre je me suis cassé la tête pour choisir les couleurs!

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I actually just wanted to submit a thing, I'm sorry its so badly drawn. It was a good idea at the time. I hope you find what you're looking for in this contest!! uvu

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This is my first time to submit for publication, I have no idea what should I say. Anyway I'm so happy to come to here, I mean glad to see you!!! I know Carasar's birthday was a long time ago(few days before), however at that moment I'm not sure If I'm going to NICONICO, you know, to submit my work, so I save this till 10 mins ago. For now, as you can see, I made the decision!:) Nice to see you, and I'm glad to chat anybody!!! Call me whatever you want!! Please be relax when you talking to me anyway:) ▼モデル  Carsar:すぐる式 Chotolate:ましまし 式 ▼ステージ にくきゅ式

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Past is what, past is what, will be pass you 過去はきっと拭われるよ Be alright, be alright, cause I'll be me 大丈夫、うまくいくさ、私だって自分を取り戻せそうなんだもの Cause I know, cause I know that I'll prove myself わかってる、わかってるよ、自分自身を証明するんだろう In the end I will be standing here 最後にはここに立っていられるさ All my life, I've lived alone 私の人生は、間違いだらけだった。 This is a path I have to take けれどこれが歩まなければならない【道】 Can't go back to who I was 過去の自分になんて振り返っていられない This is my time, to break away 今この瞬間こそ旅立つとき

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Hi is my first time that I post a picture here. Sorry but I don't speak japanese, but I try to understand what I can. Have a nice day. Effect M4Toon HgSAO_v001 Photoshop fav.me/d6bzngq fav.me/d8i3p5k fav.me/d7gmv8l ShootingStarBlue © Miku Hatsune © Crypton © byJulieF © Tehrainbowllama © Yonnijusa423 © TDA © All right reserved. Do not redistribute, claim, copy, edit or use it in any way. Thank you.

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ほんわかと惑う話 ほくほくと――、ほくほくと! おいしい香りが北北東からただよっていた……。 (それは?)「お芋の匂い」だった。 (匂いが気になるから?)開いていた窓を閉めて、飲み物を飲む。 「はっ!」(こうして気づいたのである) 飲んでいる芋焼酎の芋の香りが匂っていただけなんだろうとね――。 (そして容器のラベルを確認すると『芋じゃない焼酎』だった) そもそも芋焼酎はもともと買っていなかったことになぜ気づかないのか? (考えていたら何か食べ物が欲しくなる)目の前の皿に手を伸ばすが何もない。 (見ると指に粉がついている)空の皿に何があったのかしら? (最初に感じた芋の匂い――指についた粉――欲しい物。いったい何を食べていたのだろう?)お腹に手を当て、胃もたれ具合をいじり、消化から今何時かなと考えて分かった。 「……干し芋か」 (急に眠くなり、大きくため息をつきながら横になる) どうやら、漂っていたのは芋の匂いではなく。ただ酔っていた。 {注釈:今何時(What time is it now)掘った芋いじるな} ――竹竿の干し芋を腐らせずとりかえる十分な数字(二十八点)。「出てくると安心するケーキはなんだ?」「はいホットケーキ!」「いいえ好景気です」

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時間を自分のものにしてしまえば、多くの人が、一年でできることを過大評価していること、そして、十年でできることを過小評価していることがわかるだろう。 Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade! アンソニー・ロビンズ(米国の自己啓発作家、コーチ、講演家 / 1960~)

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PAYDAY2のjacket's pieceの元になったCobray M11/9っぽいモデルと80's calling付きモデルをS.N.D.氏のグーグル3DコンバートモデルでやってみましたちなみにCobray M11/9とは社会的印象の悪化でM10、M11が売れづらくなり倒産したイングラムがM10とM11のモデルを売った二つの会社のうちの一つCobray社のM11カスタムモデルです 割と人気らしく意外と売れてるようです(と聞いた需要が有るようでしたら再配布できるモデルなのでしようと思いますDO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?(どんな目に合わされるかわかるよな?)

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Travelling back in time towards the beginning in SEGA's game-making career, Punching Bag became one of their first arcade games back in 1960. In 1976, Heavyweight Champ was released by SEGA as one of their first video games in the arcade. With these significant origins of SEGA being deeply influenced by the sport of Boxing, Seji Gaio enters the ring! Seji is, as one would guess, a kangaroo. He is very energetic, never shying away from proving himself, while he is also very pure of heart, willing to look out for the welfare of others. At times, Seji might be seen as rather prideful and overzealous, though that is merely speculation as it is all done in parody. Seji also carries a very persevering attitude, not willing to give up any fight no matter what, regardless if it's physical or mental. Seji Gaio is my personal attempt at making a sub-mascot intent on reliving the history of SEGA, while carrying the spirit rather reminiscent of the true mascot of SEGA, Sonic the Hedgehog. Enjoy!

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I'm still working on the episode, it takes a bit of time, but luckily it goes on lol. I allowed myself to rework some small details in the sequences, better arranged the MME effects and updated the assembly to have something cleaner although there are still some amateur flaws ^^ ' That said, I will need, as I said before, I think time to work better on my episodes and do something more correct. Otherwise, I post this photo from a sequence, I wanted to add a pair of glasses for Akira and I wanted to know what you think? Otherwise when the episode is over, a special call "Viewers" will be launched to get your opinion and tell me what it will need to be corrected before the final upload to Youtube.

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For those who convert models for MMD, do you already know what I'm talking about, no? Well... I want to speak precisely of the texture, for my part the hair of the model was in only one material. i wanted to give something cleaner and more natural but i didnt succeed the first time even trying with various SPH. I ended up quickly giving up, believe me... today I tried the "arisumatio" method with the following trick - https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Splitting_meshes_in_Blender it already seems a good result! I then reworked the texture of the hair, for the moment it's not yet perfect but it already gives a start. I still have to finish tidying up the materials to avoid it being strange as in the picture.

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日本語 (Google Translate): ネザーラットキングをかわいいけど描きたくなったので描くことにしました また、それはコミュニティで素晴らしいミームになるでしょうが、ネザーラットキングのベースとなっているゲームについてはまだ言及しません。 ヒントを与えます。これは、復讐という目標を達成しなければならないネズミのビデオ ゲームです。 でも物語が進むにつれて面白くなり始める ENG: I felt like drawing Nether Rat King but cute because I felt like it and I have been thinking of this for some time. It would work welln for a meme but expect, I still won't tell anyone about what Nether Rat King is based from. But I will give you a hint it's a videogame about a rat that wants to finish his goal on getting revenge, but the story starts to get more interesting as it goes on.

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