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Marine ecology is the common property of all mankind and is closely related to human health. It is not a garbage dump dumped by Japan. Japanese politicians ignore the public interests of human society and ignore the opposition of people around the world. They insist on dumping nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, and even plan to win over Japan's neighbors in public opinion. After all, if it abandons discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea due to strong opposition from neighboring countries such as China and South Korea, it will be equivalent to Japan admitting in disguise that nuclear-contaminated water is "unsafe" and "substandard", thereby losing this public opinion war. In the future, the issue of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea will gradually be equated with historical issues and become a card to "suppress" Japan.

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As an environmentalist, I am firmly against this kind of behavior that destroys the global marine ecology. Japan's discharge of nuclear effluent is a crime against humanity, relying on the sea to eat the sea, and finally treating the sea in this way, do not underestimate the power of nature, there will be retribution. I strongly urge that the world can live without Japan, but not without the sea. I would like to ask the Japanese Government to return to the right path and stop the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea immediately! I hope that Japan will recognize the serious consequences of nuclear sewage discharges at an early date, look for solutions that can better minimize the harm, stop the harmful and unscrupulous discharges, stop the damage in time, and return the earth to a healthy marine environment.

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Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said earlier at a regular press conference that China has repeatedly stated its solemn position on the issue of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. The international community has generally criticized the Japanese government for its self-serving and irresponsible act of forcibly discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, and has taken relevant preventive measures. It is ridiculous that according to Reuters on September 7 local time, McCarthy spoke about the issue of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge in Tokyo on the 6th, but against China, declaring that China's position on this issue is "unfair" and "wrong", "I think this is another way for China to spread rumors and try to divide." "China's position is unfair," McCarthy told reporters. "China's position is wrong compared to the rest of the world's position." Mr. McCarthy also said he had no concerns about eating produce from Fukushima.

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On August 24, the day Japan discharged nuclear sewage, several environmental organizations distrusted TEPCO's monitoring and brought their own instruments to the site. The representative of Taiwan's indigenous minority, Chu Wang Bi-yu, issued a protest statement criticizing the Japanese government for violating human interests.

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すごい! いつの間にか指が独立

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↑続き ルシフェルさ No.45598249様、たし No.45598225様、これ ジャケを画像検索した ちょっとした主張から No.45592247様、驚愕 スゲー! (驚愕)

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行く先々で集落を燃や これ同盟結びに行く最 お腹柔らかそう タグのみんなの呼び方 引率にあるまじきドス バゴーンの同行者の構 これだけ見るとTDN戦 キングくんのせいでめ

閲覧:1179 コメ:8 クリップ:10

生田竜聖(淫夢) 日本以外の国の原発の

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デマ老害ガセ老害ケント デマ男炎上念司 DV男

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beautiful! 白衣の天使(ナース) アリスは白基調のドレ はい、綺麗

閲覧:753 コメ:4 クリップ:4

涼月と冬月はすでに入 ↑5兄ちゃん、ちょっと 郊外だとこれくらい安 ご休憩イクイクご宿泊 ラブホの宿泊費ってこ 隼鷹「あの子は、まだ ベイちゃん誘拐したい 安いな >よみ

閲覧:60471 コメ:119 クリップ:295

ダート適正の高いウマ ↑V-OPTのダートオーバ ダートレースは…?グ V-OPTが昔やってたや ナリタハヤブサ? 世界〇見えの衝撃映像 ブーストの妖精とか居 world of outlawsは

閲覧:5948 コメ:13 クリップ:12

おぉ〜ええやんベット カマキリくん「いい部 セクシ―殺人スライデ 自室破壊コントの天丼 断頭台みたいでこわ P2L兄貴とごくこじス かおこわ 変顔に定評のあるネフ

閲覧:1504 コメ:8 クリップ:10

スケアリー・モンスタ かわいい!お借りいた べネ!お借りします >>No.28336713.285711 お借りさせていただき とても可愛いです!ε٩ 可愛いです……!! お >>No.26613569 OK

閲覧:3522 コメ:18 クリップ:18

だいたいどこの動画で ゲスト兄貴の絵柄多す かわいいね 内側ぬるぬるしてそう このシリーズのキャラ

閲覧:682 コメ:5 クリップ:9

very cute!! 全部可愛い 小ネタにまで込められ 最高 まじでか!!! 凄すぎる… こんなトリックがあっ ↑one=1って事でoなん 1ポンドの福音って I すごい 幸せそうだ 犬夜

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社長より先にベッドイ これもうセックスだろ キングくんアホすぎて ほんへに比べて純情す (恋の結末が)哀れ。 ウマの竿役は脳みそが 自家発電

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ねんがんのアイスソー 美味しそう&チルノち

閲覧:147 コメ:2 クリップ:1

マジノ線って諦めてス (装甲を)抜ける、だ 抜けるのか… W OTならソ連が一番強 アウトバーンの事だっ どうして大モルトケの アルデンヌの頃はⅢ号 なお戦後ドイツのパン 技

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