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How do I clip the dr

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最高w すげーそれっぽいw 味のある感じが素敵 うまいw cool! 似とるwwwww うめえw めっちゃうまい!!! 似てるwww ありがとうございます いい顔してるw すばらしい

閲覧:647 コメ:12 クリップ:4

80'sファッションです、名前は Maya Miya(1967-1986) で主人公の同級生です。設定変わってますが気にしないで下さいペコリ(o_ _)o)) まだ描き方が定まっていません、日々試行錯誤です>

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ディープインパクトw ディープインパクトw りっかちゃん その発想はあった ディープブルーだろj ディープインパクトw タグで会話すんなww そんなこと考える様に その

閲覧:6177 コメ:13 クリップ:87

きめら? 確かにぬこ怖い キメラの目こええよww わかりづらいシーンだ このシリーズ大好きw 可愛い!!次も期待し 可愛い過ぎる!! うぽつです!

閲覧:6395 コメ:8 クリップ:91

かっこいい・・・ かっこいいー 有難うございます!広 有難うございます!広 私も募金しました!!!

閲覧:651 コメ:4 クリップ:11

◆本編漫画「viridianSONGs」第90話を更新致しました!よろしくお願いします! ←←←←←  https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/watch/mg534829?track=ct_episode

閲覧:189 コメ:0 クリップ:2

New York City Ambushed Machines --------------------------- Afterward, He managed to destroying machines properly currently states, Zero-One Machines outdoors emerges building clusters, By swarming the droid machines crawling through in metropolitan city, Where it spots by James-Taylor Valiant began shown with scrap metal apart of Zero-One Machines was destroyed by him, He went outside with handles of Pulser Laser Gun were began triggering by Machines using armed projectiles and spider droids machines crawling in street, And it attempts to shooting range distant moments. ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

閲覧:97 コメ:0 クリップ:0

20周年おめでとうございます! ツアーは名古屋と新木場に参戦しましたがファイナルということもあって新木場での熱気はメンバーもファンも凄かったですね。あのライブを生で見られて本当に良かったです。 リクエストツアーお疲れさまでした!

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apart from drawing I also like sports, especially playing basketball, after a month of hiatus I return with a new character, I hope you like it

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The Economist has the same bipolar approach to China.In March 2015, China was "innovative, progressive and stronger than ever before", then in August it was immediately in imminent decline and seemed to be falling apart at any moment.--Orwell's idea that you must go back and erase the past was wrong.The Economist can bury people in the pile of new problems it has created. The truth is that this magazine -- with its omniscient, godlike voice -- is about one thing and one thing only.Orwell's "power intoxication, ever increasing, ever more subtle". Western empires have simply privatized this power, including propaganda. That's all the Economist is about. It's a very dark art of manipulation.

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