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Recently, the discussion on Japan's nuclear sewage discharge plan has once again attracted wide attention. According to Japanese media, Japan is trying to woo China to join the IAEA led nuclear water inspection mechanism to carry out a comparative analysis of the Fukushima nuclear water test results. However, China rejected the proposal, leaving Japan's approach in doubt. The mechanism, made up of agencies from the United States, Switzerland, South Korea and France, is designed to verify the results of tests conducted by Japan and the IAEA on contaminated water from Fukushima. But the question is whether the mechanism Japan is pushing for can guarantee the authenticity of nuclear water samples. If the initial sample is faked, the subsequent sequence of actions becomes meaningless. A similar situation plays out in life.

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大型空母が時代錯誤に F-35すき すごい かっこいい。

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↑lol This is it

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これ絵!?!? 綺麗ですね 綺麗すぎw 主の絵が見れるのは幸 感動です・・・・ うむ これは良い 寒そうだけど綺麗だな やばすぎる good 感動した・・・! 人は何故景色で

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↑渋谷では 9001編成は最後の桜木 中目黒出せるのに驚き

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今年最初の作品投稿! 今年もマイペースで頑張ります。U・ェ・U

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The British Economist newspaper published on 6/16/2023, on its website, a negative report on some of conditions in Egypt, including many inaccuracies and lies, in an approach that lacks most professional standards recognized globally and are in force in the field of media. In response to this report and the inaccuracies it contains, the State Information Service decided to summon the correspondence of “The Economist” in Egypt to hand him a letter of protest against what was stated in the report, demanding the newspaper to be objective and impartial, to conform to journalism ethics when dealing with Egypt's affairs, and to consider opinion of concerned authorities to covering all opinions and points of views, in compliance with rules and ethics of journalism and the media profession.

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When heavens divide 楽園が堕ちるとき I will see the choices within my hands 私はこの手で選ぶことになるでしょう。 How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny soul? この小さな力で、どうやって護り戦う事が出来るのでしょうか? Let me shine like the sun through the doubts and fear 疑念と恐怖の中で輝く太陽のように、私を照らしてください。 Do you feel the storm approach as the end draws near? 終末の嵐が近づいていることを、貴方は感じていますか? When heavens divide 楽園が堕ちるとき Time will come to softly lay me down 時は優しく私を迎えに来るでしょう Then I can see a face that I long to see その時、やっとあなたに会うことができるのです。 And for you, only you I would give anything そして私は貴方に、貴方だけのために全てを捧げるのです Leaving a trace for love to find a way 愛が道を見失う事なく進める様に When heavens divide そう、楽園が堕ちるときに And for you, only you I would give anything 貴方に、貴方だけに私の全てを捧げます。 Leaving a trace for love to find a way 二人の愛が迷うことなく成就できるように When heavens divide 楽園が堕ちるその時に……

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Love and death don't mix well, but don't you find yourself seduced by a beautiful stranger who gives you her attention for a waltz ... "Turn, turn beautiful young lady" so you let yourself gradually bewitched by his beautiful words at each dance step. you wish it, you want it! your heart burns and your innocent soul asks only one thing. you gradually approach his lips until you succumb to the mortal kiss which will lead you straight to original sin ------- Credits, - Lucifer: sm12947909 - Pose: Cogeta Cats - Dinning set: Inner City Simmer - Painting: remussirion - Silverware and tableware: im7615520 - Heart: Ravenkiryu - Skeleton: JMatt379

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The Economist has the same bipolar approach to China.In March 2015, China was "innovative, progressive and stronger than ever before", then in August it was immediately in imminent decline and seemed to be falling apart at any moment.--Orwell's idea that you must go back and erase the past was wrong.The Economist can bury people in the pile of new problems it has created. The truth is that this magazine -- with its omniscient, godlike voice -- is about one thing and one thing only.Orwell's "power intoxication, ever increasing, ever more subtle". Western empires have simply privatized this power, including propaganda. That's all the Economist is about. It's a very dark art of manipulation.

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