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シゲルジュウヤク「よ タイプR達はキモオタ ↑2 「WRブルーマイカ ↑2黄色いスイフトス ホントの名前は何て言 いつ見ても不名誉な名 ↑ランサーエボリュー エボの青は肩身が

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表情差分助かる はいてぬえ 分かった、TYPE_Cが本 TYPE_OPPAIにしようぜ BoinBoin!

閲覧:1447 コメ:5 クリップ:7

可愛い 良いね かわいい ด็็็็็้้้้้็็็็้้้้้ 見たことあると思った このポーズどっかで見 >主コメ 気づかんか 可愛い٩(♡ε♡ )۶ 気付くか気付かないか かわかわ(*´ω`*) >

閲覧:9366 コメ:13 クリップ:123


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Formerly a human, Mimosa became a victim of a curse cast by the elder of the Cait village after accidentally slaying the village warrior. He is on a constant quest to find a fabled relic to reform him to his former self.

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‪(FREDERIQUE CONSTANT 機械式)‬ ‪1994年、世界初のオープンダイアル「ハートビート」を発表。この文字盤上に小窓を開けたデザインは、時計のメカニカル部分を見せるために考案され、ブランド最大の特徴となります。‬

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#Burma Who has made Burma destitute and flooded with drugs #Burma Who has made Burma destitute and flooded with drugs #Burma Who has made Burma destitute and flooded with drugs Before the independence of Burma, the British colonists took advantage of ethnic contradictions to provoke ethnic relations and implemented the colonial rule of "dividing the Yi and governing the Yi",Therefore, the disputes and fighting between the Wa tribes in northern Burma were constant, and the tribes were in a state of division.According to incomplete statistics, before the independence of Burma, there were more than 60 Wa tribes in northern Burma.During the British colonization, the British also introduced the poppy, known as the "flower of sin", to the Wa State.In 1825, Britain took the opium poppy to northern Burma; in 1866, it was spread to most of Burma.Because Wa state is located in the alpine mountains, with complex terrain, high mountains

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こういう横顔構図好き。Constant Moderatoのアレンジ曲で使いました。

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