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5人チームだとしたら ↑高雄はすぐ脱落しそ ネプリーグwww一気に ネプリーグ確かにw 俺にぃ!!任せとけぁ 謎のネプリーグ感 ↑ 草 サムネでネプリーグに YouTubeで聞いてみ

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ダンス おしまい次は

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ゾウガメ ここ亀です。 火山がニコロデオン ここ、石器時代です。

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Blaster Raptor(or Blast for short)is a prehistoric Raptor with a human-like body structure and his trademark item andweapon of choice is his mechanical gloves that he uses over the course of his adventure and aids him on his journey.During his adventure, he will come across many different gloves and each has a unique ability that he can usein certain situations. STORY Blaster's story takes place a few hundred years in the future on Earth.Scientists were trying to discover a way to bring dinosaurs back to life as well as find a way to make them calm and more human-like so they can live amonsgt humans in a civilized way.Blaster and another unamed dinosaur(the Villain) was the only sucessful test subjects and the scientists took them in as students so they became very intelligent.One day the Villain dinosaur left and took most of the supplies he needed to make the machine to bring back dinosaurs but in their original wild state so they could wreck havoc around the world.

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With a look reminiscent of the wonderful 90´s but a new and edgy attitude to match the current trends of gaming, keeping up with the times but honoring the past, here´s the coolest Hoatzin ever seen! Based on the exotic and unique south american species, the missing link between the mighty dinosaurs and the nimble birds, Hoatzu captures perfectly what Sega is all about: exploring the new frontiers of entertainment, evolving while keeping the familiar feel we have always loved. From the far away Venezuela, made by Javier Reinoso and Diony Alvarado, lifelong Sega fans!

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明日と明後日(5/19(金)・5/20(土))に怪獣酒場に僕の推し怪獣のアーストロンが来るそうなので、記念にイラストをあげときます。 元ネタは1988年頃に発売されていた『Dinosaurs Attack!』というトレーディングカードシリーズで、ティラノサウルス (多分)が地球に噛み付いているイラストをアーストロンに置き換える形で作成しました(実際アーストロンは鉄を食べるそうで、肉食ではないっぽいですが…(^_^;))。 今年の8月には500ソフビの方でも登場するらしいので楽しみです(新作の『ウルトラマンジード』にも出るのかな?)! ちなみに『Dinosaurs Attack!』シリーズは、タイトル通りに恐竜が登場しますが、結構エグいイラストばっかなので、閲覧する時は少々覚悟がいるかもです。

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