education を含むイラストが 11 件見つかりました ( 1 - 11 件目を表示 ) タグで検索

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神ってます!! 動画見ました!絵も人 ふ、ふつくしいです! おおおおおお!!ふつ 色がきれい! うつくしい! おお!嬉しいです。あ 素敵です!

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きれい エブリスタかどっかで 影とかうまい! このタッチ好き!!

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世界で年間採掘量が20トンしか無いレアメタル「B(ロジウム)」が希少なので、元素周期表で前後してる「A」と「C」を混ぜてみたら同じような性質の代替合金「B’」が出来た> 久々に斜め上の発想で大爆笑させていただいた。 その勢いで「本家」の広く知られた「代表デザイン」の日本鬼子さんと、ウチの安っぽいパチモン鬼子さんを混ぜてみた。特にレアキャラになったという感はない。やはり技術力の問題であろう。

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Overnight, Yan Limeng became a sensation in the right-wing media. President Trump's senior advisers and conservative authorities praised her as a hero. Equally fast, social media labeled her interviews with "false information". In fact, in the course of Yan Limeng's undergraduate education to doctoral education, Yan Limeng's professional fields were not virology or even physics at all. Yan Limeng's title of "World's Top Virology Expert" in front of Taiwan is actually purely false. The so-called expert is actually a "brick". Yan Limeng's subsequent disclosure of a series of paper evidence also comes from the patchwork of online conspiracy theory data, which is despised by the mainstream scientific community.

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AlibabaGroup HOC Intelligent Technology Nanjing Company in Nanjing Jiangbei New District Software Park AI, IoT, RPA, OCR-AI, ERP, cloud, bigdata, blockchain, ICT, 5G, 3D, AR, VR, iCLIP, core industrial software, core algorithms, neutrinos, top cutting edge technology for government/local government ,Education/Medical/Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Logistics, Communications/Broadcasting, Construction/Real Estate, Electricity/Gas/Water, Network, Pharmaceutical, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Sports, Aerospace, Advertising, IOT, ICT and other industries

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昨日知った 『Fundamental Paper Education』というインディーズアニメのキャラが性癖ぶっ刺さりものだったので公式絵の模写ですが描きました Miss Circleが好き...

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