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貧聖 品性を疑う 品性がいいのか悪いの ロックマンかミ?

閲覧:1278 コメ:4 クリップ:9

↑もう二度とウンコで 熱した鉄の棒を突っ込 誰も邪魔しないよ きたないケツだなぁ.. ケ ツ だ け 星 人 サーモグラフィーかな 品性を疑え 品性を疑う ハードシードル(迫真)

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狂 っ た 現 実  確かこのネタに関して わかんないや! 左右逆なのでセーフ なぜ突然ロックマン8 途中からロックマンゥ ミコラーシュかな? 品疑使 背中のテカリほんと

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夢盛りである ELECTRICAL COMMUNICA プン ↑まずはお前が落ち着 フフフ…セッ 「すけべ」とか「変態 ↑5 開始した時点から でも六駆の中で一番大 市場が酷いな…ぷらず 成長し

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取り消せよ…今の言葉 枝毛ゾ はい品性 ELECTRICAL COMMUNICA 委員長の脇から伸びて もう題材が古い、委員 ハァ・・・ハァ・・・ 絶叫マンやめろ クッキー☆ は時代の敗 もう

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かわいい よわそう めっっっっちゃかわい 大狂乱あくしろよ これすき サイクロップス先輩( とりあえずクッキー☆ こんな感じの黄色いゴ 狂化パッチ よく考えたらキリンウ MU

閲覧:1460 コメ:11 クリップ:10

Electrical Parade:見事なremix曲です 480×854

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Sparx Sprite is an energetic little sprite that defeats the darkness with his electrical powers. He's very silly and very clever, and some times doesn't act like the typical sprite. Sparx will also do anything for some srawberries...beacuse strawberries taste like happiness!

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コラボでELECTRICAL COMMUNICATIONを歌わせて頂いた記念に! 描くのが遅くなっちゃったんだZE orz 動画はこちら。是非に!【http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21950175】

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Takane ‘Ene’ Enomoto The Cybertech Computer Program — เพชรดา บำรุงโรจน์ Cosplayer --------------------------- Takane ‘Ene’ Enomoto was an cyber girl computer program was created from master computer programmer in localized Japan with the main renderfarm, An sentient design with the electrical system and humanoid formation in computer labels from Windows XP usuals are affiliated in desktop and mobile, She has an accusing with longest serving following person whose ever knowledges in their name, Having these people mentioned names, She’s goes to in and out of reality were lived in Matrix. ==================================================== [Crew] Adaptation Anime Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

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Design by. ART of TOMORROW(Joaquin Masami Matsumoto / POCCO Records @ Kyoto, Japan)※中身の音源については投稿動画にてフル視聴していただけます >> sm35719969

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She’s flowing into the air with electricity power systems, By the genetic voltages float from the lift air, She can flying abilities of her powered acknowledgment with the surrounding area by machines, Who were tries to pursuits and attacking her, She’s only for looking incoming the machines by swarming spread waves, Instead of electrical system efforts from the skills, Sparks and volts around through her body current. ====================================== MMD CG Visual Effect: 3D Modeling Designer: James Emirzian Waldementer Powered by Vroid Studio [Crew] MMD CG Picture Skit / Visual Effect Photography / Language Translation James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== Who Framed Miku, picture skit is the Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co., Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. TM & (c) 2001,03,09,10,17 Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. All rights reversed.

閲覧:97 コメ:0 クリップ:0

This is Halia! She is a strange robo-ish creature based on a number of SEGA's merchandise and historical aspects! She stands about 5'3'' and has orange pixel shaped eyes! Her color scheme is white and blue like the logo; and her speakers have a gradient sunset color scheme- featuring hibiscus flower markings to represent SEGA's origins as company based in Hawaii in 1940 (She has the number 40 drawn on her speakers too!) A number of other little inspirations are listed on her reference sheet. A Mascot needs reason and symbolism to represent! As a side note; she has a tail plug because when she is plugged into an electrical outlet her eyes can turn into screens (As listed in the ref sheet) to display a video or game! I am willing to collaborate and edit the character if needed if she is chosen. I worked really hard on her and I' am still so enthralled that an opportunity like this arose! I am working hard in Art College to become a Video Game Concept Artist!

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She’s seemed that victim’s computer monitor looking up model figure, When she heard it from behind the computer monitor with electricity shocks by her power connection right next being overlooked, She touched with electrical volts on victim’s computer monitor began shocking by the person with tasers volts after being touching it. ====================================== MMD CG Visual Effect: 3D Modeling Designer: James Emirzian Waldementer Powered by Vroid Studio [Crew] MMD CG Picture Skit / Visual Effect Photography / Language Translation James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== Who Framed Miku, picture skit is the Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co., Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. TM & (c) 2001,03,09,10,17 Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. All rights reversed.

閲覧:67 コメ:0 クリップ:0

「イタタタ!アホ面のくせに生意気だぞ!」 「んだと、このガキ~!イデデデデデ!」 クラウンマンを選んだ最初の理由は、単純にこの二人ならスーパーバトルってよりは、こんな取っ組み合いになりそうだと思い、ほほえま回にしようと思ったからですw でもふと考えたら、そういえばクラウンも上鳴と同じく ・指向性のある飛び道具がない ・直接触れる、あるいは無差別放電でしか電気を活用した攻撃ができない っていう共通点が、数いる電気系ロクボスのなかで彼だけが当てはまってたんだと気付きました。 キャラものを描くとそのことで色々考え、改めて気付くことがあってほんと、おもしろいですよねw あ、ちなみに特徴っていえば、スパークマンは上鳴くんと逆で、放電しっぱなしじゃないと思考回路がショートしてしまうそうなw いやあ、新コスきましたね!あ、本シリーズは中途半端になるのはヤなんで全員旧コスのままいかせていただきますw 上鳴のは、やっぱVSメカゴジラよろしくワイヤーショットでも飛び出すんですかね!? それともいきなりエネルギー弾!?w グラサンぽいのも装着してるし、フラッシュ攻撃とか考えてるかもですね♪楽しみ楽しみ♪ 次回!砂藤くんが、ロックマンシリーズのある意味顔役なボスと、アツイパワーバトルを繰り広げてくれるようです! お楽しみに!

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JPG(1024×1024)→https://twitter.com/celsius220/status/1725324262796587471 「electrical system: the invaders' equipments xi」

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