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So good. Do you have

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元の絵柄で生き返れ生 ニコニコアカウントは かわいい MGRoidってそういう…… サービスマン けいおんの一人だけ不 東雲めぐる けいおんで沢庵作って けいおんの不人気のあ

閲覧:1543 コメ:12 クリップ:5

おへそprprする仕 荒ぶる尻尾 かなりびびった。ワン 良い

閲覧:492 コメ:4 クリップ:3

胸に当てて胸に ご主人様は点火 示 股間から発射の長い条 ッ ッ イ グ すごい わァ......ぁ...... ク☆絵師もいつか裏切 長文お気持ち表明兄貴 「とりあえず伸びそう まーで

閲覧:2168 コメ:35 クリップ:4

アメリア一族は二次元 これがアイカツですか SNNNさんよりいい匂い アメリア・コレットち これならTDNTUHUとは AIって上海人形も描け なによ!!!!! サイズでかくすると

閲覧:1298 コメ:21 クリップ:3

かわいい 口数が足りないんじゃ あっそっかぁ…AI手書 おー 投コメにFixed eyebro こういう頑張ったAI絵 この目ってAIで出せる かわいい 03 The Magic Number おお〜ええや

閲覧:581 コメ:15 クリップ:3

みんなキャンディー大 ボルガ博士「お菓子好

閲覧:340 コメ:2 クリップ:0

かわいい こふじすき コメント欄で需要と供 アナルしゃぶらせてる いつもの

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Nico-Neko is a being who doesn't have arms but it has hands, on his hands he uses Boxing Gloves he doesn't have legs either yet he uses some cool sneakers! NN(Nico-Neko) Can shoot his hands and feet like cannon balls to defeat his enemies or to grab unto high places! Once a Normal cat Nico-Neko was brought into a lab where they modified his DNA so he could become intelligent and obtain his new skills! Later he manages to escape from the lab and starts living in the streets, sadly the other cats consider him a freak and so he lives alone emerged in sadness till one day he finds an old super-hero comic! He reads it (since he's intelligent now)he reads the comic and decides to use his powers to help mankind! Later the lab finds out about what he's doing and so they send other experiments after him. He's joyful and communicative! He loves jokes but he's kinda of a pervert. His favorite food is Chocolate.

閲覧:59 コメ:0 クリップ:1

Blaster Raptor(or Blast for short)is a prehistoric Raptor with a human-like body structure and his trademark item andweapon of choice is his mechanical gloves that he uses over the course of his adventure and aids him on his journey.During his adventure, he will come across many different gloves and each has a unique ability that he can usein certain situations. STORY Blaster's story takes place a few hundred years in the future on Earth.Scientists were trying to discover a way to bring dinosaurs back to life as well as find a way to make them calm and more human-like so they can live amonsgt humans in a civilized way.Blaster and another unamed dinosaur(the Villain) was the only sucessful test subjects and the scientists took them in as students so they became very intelligent.One day the Villain dinosaur left and took most of the supplies he needed to make the machine to bring back dinosaurs but in their original wild state so they could wreck havoc around the world.

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Nico-Neko is a being who doesn't have arms but it has hands, on his hands he uses Boxing Gloves he doesn't have legs either yet he uses some cool sneakers! NN(Nico-Neko) Can shoot his hands and feet like cannon balls to defeat his enemies or to grab unto high places! Once a Normal cat Nico-Neko was brought into a lab where they modified his DNA so he could become intelligent and obtain his new skills! Later he manages to escape from the lab and starts living in the streets, sadly the other cats consider him a freak and so he lives alone emerged in sadness till one day he finds an old super-hero comic! He reads it (since he's intelligent now)he reads the comic and decides to use his powers to help mankind! Later the lab finds out about what he's doing and so they send other experiments after him. He's joyful and communicative! He loves jokes but he's kinda of a pervert. His favorite food is Chocolate.

閲覧:58 コメ:0 クリップ:1

She is granddaughter of Prof. Asobin, SEGA mascot from 1983. She is history of SEGA- granddaughter of mascot from 80's, clothes of PSO2 and Jet Set Radio, hat is Opa-Opa, shoes are Toejam & Earl, gloves are Burning Rangers, MAGI is AM2 Palmtree. She looks good in human or cartoon. She is great for toys.

閲覧:252 コメ:0 クリップ:1

リボンステージ2017 制作者:ゆづき(万年寝不足-別館)様 モデル: TDA Bride IA 1.0 by HarukaSakurai Credits ・Base by TDA, WKPY, and iRon0129 ・Face by TDA, Jin, and Reinbuu-sama ・Top, Stockings, Gloves, and Panties by Samsink ・Short Skirt by Alan Smithy and HarukaSakurai ・Heels by iRon0129 ・Tiara by Uri ・Veil by Samsink ・Face Texture by TDA, agahat, Reinbuu-sama, HikariSakuraMMD, and HarukaSakurai ・Eye Texture by Reinbuu-sama ・Toons and Spas by Arlvit, iRon0129, Jin, Natsuka, WKPY, and HarukaSakurai

閲覧:248 コメ:0 クリップ:2

IAちゃんが何かを言おうとしているみたいです モデル: TDA Bride IA 1.0 by HarukaSakurai Credits ・Base by TDA, WKPY, and iRon0129 ・Face by TDA, Jin, and Reinbuu-sama ・Top, Stockings, Gloves, and Panties by Samsink ・Short Skirt by Alan Smithy and HarukaSakurai ・Heels by iRon0129 ・Tiara by Uri ・Veil by Samsink ・Face Texture by TDA, agahat, Reinbuu-sama, HikariSakuraMMD, and HarukaSakurai ・Eye Texture by Reinbuu-sama ・Toons and Spas by Arlvit, iRon0129, Jin, Natsuka, WKPY, and HarukaSakurai

閲覧:233 コメ:0 クリップ:5

In the last video I made, I wanted to test the mask on Akira by adding the facial expressions that characterize her in her "shinigami" form. I did take the opportunity to add some gloves that I had exported from XPS (from another concept being finished.) the result looks promising! I still have to work on various things in the meantime ... In any case I hope you like the next MMD video specially focused on combat! because I wanted to try to add new effects to give more punch on the other hand, sorry for some sound effects that could offend you, I added it myself ^^ '

閲覧:104 コメ:0 クリップ:0

Credit(敬称略)----------------------- ■ベース レイヤードTバックビキニ ver.2.0_渋谷凛(くらうち) ■コサージュ リボン(まりりん) ハイビスカス(いつものほん) ■マント MMD long Cape( Hitogata Necktie Pack( ■鎧 コルセット(Saizwong) Metal Waist wrap( ■グローブ Gloves( ■スカート 弓兵ソーマ(おにぎり道場) ■ガーター 八雲紫(Kome-ken) ■フリル 十六夜咲夜Ver2.20(アールビット) ■テクスチャ 花のイラスト『百花繚乱』 ■剣 weaponset2(Claisen) ■撮影 指ポーズ(盗賊@つばきP) アニメ風スカイドーム(めめ) ガーデンステージ(@Ai) 被写界深度エフェクト(矢立峠) ------------------------------ グラブルもデレマスもプリコネも未プレイですが、良いデザインだなと思ったので あらゆるものをお借りしてMMDド素人なりに着せ替えてみました。 あくまで「風」です、ところどころ妥協してます。10mくらい離れて見たら似てるかもしれません…。 課題:スカートとかのテクスチャ、ベルトの右にぶら下がってる謎の物体、マントとスカートの物理、ブーツ履かせるetc

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リボンステージ2017 制作者:ゆづき(万年寝不足-別館)様 モデル: TDA Bride IA 1.0 by HarukaSakurai Credits ・Base by TDA, WKPY, and iRon0129 ・Face by TDA, Jin, and Reinbuu-sama ・Top, Stockings, Gloves, and Panties by Samsink ・Short Skirt by Alan Smithy and HarukaSakurai ・Heels by iRon0129 ・Tiara by Uri ・Veil by Samsink ・Face Texture by TDA, agahat, Reinbuu-sama, HikariSakuraMMD, and HarukaSakurai ・Eye Texture by Reinbuu-sama ・Toons and Spas by Arlvit, iRon0129, Jin, Natsuka, WKPY, and HarukaSakurai

閲覧:209 コメ:0 クリップ:1

《歌うヒラニプラの不易流行》 Continuity and Change in the Singing Hilanipla AIArt made with DALLE3 via ChatGPT - Prompt (Woman): A woman wearing a kimono, an astronaut's helmet, astronaut's gloves, astronaut's boots, and a Japanese umbrella in a Kabuki pose, Japanese anime style, 1024x1792 size - Prompt (Background): Nebula, 1792x1024 resolution

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Credits, - Face: kreifish - Base: IkamoKawaiimmd - Outfit: Shuubaru - Gloves: Cogeta Cats - Hair: LunafreyaTsui - Choker: Pralinesims - High Heels: iRon0129 - Bracelet: NataliS - Glass: Pralinesims - Earring: toksik - Snaklet: DarkNighTt - Pose (edited by me): Snorlaxin

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