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Originally from seems is Uriko. An Chimera Project was the young girls are developed to ‘WereChimera’ was powerfully are super soldier armed of human formed to teens and turned to Chimera forms. Uriko The Chimera was similarity are looks to Uriko The Half Beast besides are portrait of headcanon biography. The union order was Uriko The Chimera born from the Japan knowledge entered with Tylon Corporation works from laboratory sector while the brainwashing are combined to powerfully units the abilities is electricity shocks as further to usually special abilities. But she only instead “The snap electric shockwaves”. Lead Art Designer / Anime Art Direction / Project Lead James Emirzian Waldementer Art was copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, inc.

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im11054281でRPK-16とアンジェリア役のHalf-Life 2のアリックス・バンスからオリジナルキャラクターのミナを変えて作り直りし、修正しました。 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2888577000

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??? "Release your Dhole, Ms. Calenda." MMDけもフレ → clip/2189460

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