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んんんんー!この臭い 僕と屋形千秋 「僕」だろあんた SNくんはHNSの父親が 服の色がSNくんのパー はるかを産んだ偉大な CBに甘えtime... でえかでいかでぃーか でえかでい

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James gets cross with Edward's being late and calls him "old iron". The next day, James' driver is ill and while his fireman gets a "relief", two boys wander into the cab and start James. Edward chases after him and after a long chase, an inspector manages to hook James with a length of rope and James' fireman checks his speed. The Fat Controller sends Edward to the Works as a reward, the boys are caught by the police and disciplined and James' driver recovers in the hospital. Models By SodorP I OWN NOTHING!

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