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サムネでは、ウイング ウェザリングしてみま 美しい武装少女 オーケーまかしとき! 既存作品の擬人化やコ 勿論です。貴方達の無 確認する!シェル―シー スノーホワイトプレ

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チップチューン系列BMSイベント Bit Memory Squarewaves にて新BMSになります! 楽曲: BMS:

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nihonjin no 99pa-sen The newcomer is supp ぢゆしすき これ面白い?胸糞系じ 二人でひとつの目を共 怖いッピ! お~、ええやん

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Wikiへ引用させていた BPMと密度的にこれだ これは有り難い

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こーりん可愛い・・・ そもそもカービィは結 ↑ 恋する乙女は無敵・ つーかこのキャンディ ↑↑恐らく残らないかと 無限ループって怖くね 魔理沙さん、後で解決 SFCの花映塚で

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そうか・・・見たこと スレンダーマンだこれ なんかエレガンスな雰 ∵

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WEB: Twitter:

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To create this image, I was inspired by the current situation we live every day (war, misery, sadness ...) And a opera music because yes, I love opera, the contrast is obvious! I let you listen to the song I chose to describe my current emotions and leave you transported by the melody;) I also want to add that I left this image with a raw rendering to give more visual impression. If you are a confirmed artist, I think you would understand my vision. -------- Credits, - Akira by Cogeta Cats - Stage by im6346138 - Skydome by im4464320 - Pose by Cogeta Cats - Briefcase by riveda1972 - Bag by im5662650 - Starbucks Cofee by kittentube Title of the music: "Flower duet" from Lakme

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Akane Shinjo Does Alien Finger Moments In Outdoors — Anong Noon --------------------------- She does alien finger moments in outdoors Mall Complex Department, Even the cameraman realized Akane Shinjo was an Giant Monster Creation impression by her careers and carrier house, Where they was giant Kajiu came into the Matrix Reality life, Giant sizes than Skyscrapers cities does making like Giant Monsters across in the civilization cities area, Which soon afterward the peopl crowd only seemed Akane Shinjo does alien fingers movement around to greets everyone. ==================================================== [Crew] Adaptation Anime Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer Cosplayer from Anong Noon ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

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BMSイベント無名戦対抗戦にて,無名9勢としてsakさんとの合作による楽曲「宵桜回廊」のBGIになります!楽曲すごいかっこいいぞー!譜面やばいぞー!で宜しくお願いしますovo)ノシ    BMS:    楽曲:

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Tiyes Sink氏(のA-1 ClimaX 4th投稿作「Losing」のBGAを担当させて頂きました。 別れてしまったけれど、交流がある…そんな彼を想って、私は… 的な曲です。 公開ページにて曲の視聴も可能です。(BMS採用Verとは別のVerもあり) インプレッション期間は7/16~21だそうですので、BMSプレイヤーの皆さまは是非宜しくお願い致します。

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The scarlet sisters is figured out that's tonight was 19:00 hour clock at midnight to Devil Mansion, An lost files came position is right covering composed they are decided to goes Field grass land somewhere else. But indoor of Scarlet sisters they looking for the star shuffles at somewhere, And what they are going to impression should goes to serves with Galactic Innership has already plans was rumors is getting helped by scarlet to do? MMD CG Picture Skit / Created / Visual Effect Photograph Motion / Character Pose James Emirzian Waldementer Based upon on the Japanese game maker series: Touhou Project (ZUN)

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Kemika-Nova Vocaloid Project when will that learned with Remilia Scarlet impression themselves that will Remilia Scarlet comes to life on visited with visualization place. --------------------------------------------------- [Character Motion Department / Digital Art Special Effect / Visual Effect Tools / Visual Effect and Animation] Character Motion, Pose / Camera Motion / Lighting Render: James Emirzian Waldementer --------------------------------------------------- All written, picture, graphic, logo and other data contained here are (c) 2006,08,10,11,17 Argonaut Niuxlius Entertainment, PLC. TM & (c) 2006,08,10,11,17 Copyright by Argonaut Niuxlius Entertainment, PLC. All rights reversed.

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A-1 ClimaX 3rdイベントに投稿してきました!それに用いたBGAになります。またも描きたかっただけの看板娘迦楼羅ちゃん!!bmsリンク: mp3試聴はこちらより⇒ 動画も撮って頂きましたovo) sm18578744

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