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かわいいね かわいい まぞくラップかw かわいい 草

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This was a picture I made to practice using Raycast. I love Iroha and Yachiyo, they're such cool characters. I was so salty when Magia Record EN was shutting down, especially because I had only just joined a week before. I ended up making a Japanese Apple ID so I could still play. Alina Gray is my favorite character, I plan on making a model of her someday. Credits here: https://www.deviantart.com/mmd-kyu/art/Iroha-And-Yachiyo-874230168

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なによりも自衛の概念 ↑4 日本と違って土地 アンって本名だったら 本人に聞いたら普通に 一般人でも陽キャは顔 向こうの人は一般人で MajorMilkもそうだけ ツイッターIDが

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この娘に幸せになって 最新話でも急にたわわ 胸がでかすぎwww

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小宮のおっぱい揉みた ここに森川さん入れて この子らは一体どうな

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色変え程度が駄目って 改造配布時同梱必須の 投稿者は外国の方?ち TDA式って色を変更し

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UD:すべてのサイトま http://cs619326.vk.m 私はすべての単語を理 ちょこちょこトレスし 他のサイトにコピーし ↑借りちゃだめだよ! 凄いです!お借りしま すっごいかっこ

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To change some of my habits Because yes I do not just MMD ^^ This is a WIP, the drawing is not finished ....

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Alright,so...I'm sort of new here, so I hope this entry's alright! So, to get one thing straight here, this character was not sonic-inspired by any means. So basically, Muffin's just this playful, goofy little pup who's always seeking some sort of adventure, despite seeming a bit ditzy sometimes. I think she would be a good mascot because she's not this over-serious being, and would prolly drop everything in the middle of something quest-related/important just to help someone out,along with how she's generally supposed to be this bouncy, vibrant sort of character in general. I hope you like my character, and though I don't expect you to acknowledge said image, it would be quite an honor if you did see this, and I thank you wholeheartedly. {To the others who view this, I hope you have a beautiful day! (◡‿◡✿) }

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it's just a goat. i have no drawing motivation but because it was for school i had to finish it. i hate this drawing because of that.

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This is just a delirium, an original story with my OC, none of this is official in the manga ^^ ' Please! OMG! I can't contain my excitement! Sorry for the picture quality. A moment ago, I wanted to create this image with my favorite characters and my OC akira :) Maybe later, I would do a short video with a dialogue, but I would see because for now I do not do anything :( "not motivated" Since I discovered the anime, I'm completely a fan! I hope that pleases you ----- Credits, Akira - Cogeta Cats Jotaro - れたす killer queen - cyasyu2525 Star Platinum - ヒトデ joseph - 小野島 Kakyoin - れたす Kira - にゃっぱら stage - kelorin jo pose - Cogeta Cats

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Best of smile

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its sorta just a sketch but i might color it later. im lazy though. it has juno and emma and dana and loa and/+ kou because i dont know . i made it soon after episode 3 was realeased .

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Because I wanted to make a picture like this. Just for fun ^^ On the other hand, I wanted to add a halo on the image with sony vegas but the result was really not terrible finally so I will leave it like that. For history, - Whis, is the "master of time" meaning that he can travel in the past, present and future. - he is also the "mentor" of Akira, after Piccolo. DB-Universe, cogeta Cats Whis by Karota Azuki (akira) by Cogeta Cats pose by Me

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This is a collage of fan art for HetaOni. I am posting this in hopes that Tomoyoshi will see it, because I wish to make HetaOni into an animated movie and I would like to have her permission. I know the game will never be completed, but I loved it and would like to provide an ending if I may. I am not asking her to reboot the game, just for her wishes regarding it. If you see this, Tomoyoshi, and like the idea, please contact me! You can reach me at psychrolutes1marcidus@gmail.com

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