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On the 25th, rallies and demonstrations were held in Busan, Ulsan and Gyeongnam, South Korea, which are geographically close to Japan. Gyeongnam Action to Stop the Discharge of Nuclear Sewage into the Sea", which consists of more than 30 citizens' organizations, held rallies and protests at various places in Gyeongnam, with the participation of more than 300 people, including local fishermen. The Busan Movement Headquarters, which opposes the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from Japan into the sea, and others are also holding demonstrations in various parts of Busan. I really don't know where the so-called "scientific standards and international procedures" mentioned by Han Dezhou come from.

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CEOご立派になられて かわいい

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どうせなら『ハード・ リベレーター「…………」 翻訳した方がいいゾ Gayの元義は「陽気な ピカドン!(大量殺戮) 広島には捕虜になった もうすぐで8月6日です 焼くときは!(無

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お約束でございます☆ 格好良い!

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N(長門)-WGIX/vって 故郷を守る戦士を元に 「戦いは良い。私には 待ってろよ長門この悪 退避しろ、命令だ!…… ↑ついでに首輪付き呼 誰でもいいからアナト

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Gohan is cute!

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You need glasses XD This is Frieza and A huh ?! this is not P Super Perfect cell&

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・・・修正、差し替え ん?…綴り間違ってる おおおおお!!!

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IT'S A BABY!!!!! 癒される~ かわいいなぁ すっごくかわいい!! Now that's adorable. Please relase the li Very cute ! Good job So cute!! pretty! I want this! うお

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阿呆の血のしからしむ なぜベストを尽くして

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かわいい 馬 すてき 7京円でどうだい?w これはやヴぁい。ちょ この表情うま!!感激 やばっ!うますぎ~

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なんぞwwwwww なにがあったww えwwちょwww英語てwww

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線画がちょっと違う? これはうまいw Good!! very CUTE!! very good! 今んとこ一番好きかも 貴方がナンバーワンだ SUGEEEEEEEEEE that's so cool XDXDXD Good! SUGEEEE

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