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I was so glad I went to this race, one of the best events I've seen live. The wrecks were insane and thank goodness everybody was okay. The fact they held 3 wide as long as they did was amazing to see!

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したくなるような Party all night long 似合う!って思って撮ってみたらサインに見えなくもなかった お借りしたもの…田島悠一郎:U1様/モーション:アガちん様/スカイドーム:seasalt様/エフェクト:下っ腹P

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Whats going wrong for Birdman? I haven't seen him do a full pass for a long time now, as for Larry "The Missile" Larson,, that's who my money is on for the future.

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エナガ Long-tailed Tit / Aegithalos caudatus 缶バッチ販売中 https://toriasobi.booth.pm/items/3624056 https://toriasobi.booth.pm/items/3624051

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古い絵(2009年頃に作った?)です。龍龍(Long-long/lonlon)はラクラクダイノくんの二次創作で、ロンマイ・ルナ語で話す生物です。 この図の動くバージョン:http://zh.8thworld.wikia.com/wiki/File:Zakam.gif

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【キャラの詳細】 キャラ名:龍王樹(ロン・ワンシュ/Long Wangshu) 所属キャラグループ:万物弥栄の会/Team Multiversal symbiosis 詳細:情が厚くのびのびとしていて大らかで、自分に自信があり責任感も強い竜人男。 その反面プライドが高く頑固で意外と嫉妬心が強いところがあったりもする。 戦闘面では植物や命を操る魔法を最も得意としている。 モチーフ:まあ名前から見ても分かると思いますが、こいつは応竜(中国の伝説に登場する鱗虫の長)ポジションのキャラとして作ってあります。 ですが彼の見た目はどっちかというとバハムート(中東の伝承に登場する巨大魚)をアジア系の竜人っぽくアレンジした感じです。

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English title: In a Field of Sunflowers. EN: This was a gift for two friends of mine who both really like Mother 3. It seems like such a great game. Rendering it took a long time, my computer was very slow as it was rendering! The end result is very good though. Thank you for the great models, ようなし! JP: マザー3が好きな友人2人にプレゼントしました。とても素晴らしいゲームだと思います。レンダリングに時間がかかり、私のコンピュータはレンダリング中にとても遅くなりました。しかし、最終的な結果はとても良いものでした。素晴らしいモデルをありがとう、ようこさん! Additional materials by hbee and dendewa

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I wish to recall that this is happening in an alternative universe. (Sorry for poor image quality) It's been a while since I've been looking for this creation that my friend "Yamcha-Fan" had created a while ago. I got great inspiration from the drawing of my close friend "Yamchafan" for the pose. A gift she gave me a long time ago and which I keep treasured. -https://yamchafanart.tumblr.com/post/137284000598/love-under-the-moonlight-vegeaki-for-my-friend I invite you to the passage has visited his gallery for his drawings and videos MMD If you are a big fan of Yamcha and Bulma together, you are welcome;) I will have to think of marrying them, since they are already engaged. :3 Akira: Vegeta do not forget that you promised me to make me a baby. Credits, - Akira "Warrior" by Cogeta Cats - Vegeta "edited" by Karota - Stage by finn-kun541 - Pose by Cogeta Cats

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Izumi Shimizu by Ademar440 zombies by monozof apartment_ver1.00 MMDアクセサリ 【欧米風アパート透過パーツ】 ※描画順を最後にして下さい ------------------------ Copyright:シロ

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sm30632043 Never thought the camera went out well since it's small to move around when I divide them... Somehow the background turned a very bright red when it was actually a maroon at first. But I was happy editing it in mmd and photoshop. Been a long time since I last edit using photoshop though.

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【昨日の続き】 N3+Cシェーダー(ぐるみぃ様/nill様)を基礎から勉強やり直し中です。。。  自前テスト動画 smXXXXXXX test71-01-(A2x2+N3test)…削除致しました   (↑テスト故タグマイリス無しで御願いしています)m(__)m    いい感じがなかなか難しいです^^; レザー(服)・肌・ステージ・ワールド(全体)の各数値他見直し中…髪はこれで良いのかは???  ※静画ばかりのツリー登録も何ですので 動画UP時に致します m(__)m

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見慣れない単語が上手く噛み合っていそう 具体的にはanaglyphとかpsychedelicとか ーーー {{1girl}},looking_at_viewer,close_up,limited_pallete, {{anaglyph magenta light_green}}, acid_trip,psychedelic, ,black_background,dutch_angle,hand_up}, {white long hair,ponytail}, {artificial blue eyes} smile, (oversized_clothes,wide_sleeves), (baggy_pants) NP:90’s,blush,{wide_shot},symmetry,{grow}

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航空自衛隊の戦闘機です‼( ✧Д✧)

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Thank you for supporting us and long live japan! ~ 日本を支援し、長生きしていただきありがとうございます!(^o^) *バンザイ!!* ===== モデル:日本 (kanahaさん)、日娘 (うさぽん)、金剛(つみ) と 榛名 (d_space7)、モブ男セット (ガン★ガゼ)。

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Find the video here: sm30859443 In an alternative world, Vegeta would not be in couple with Bulma but with Android18 (Lazuli)* It's been a long time since i wanted the models Android 17 and 18 and make a video with my favorite couple (Now it's done: 3) I think to do later other videos with them together if I have time. Also, I wanted post this video today because later, it could well that I make fewer videos due to lack of time ...   I must finish some MMD projects like my next video (DB-Universe) Can be that I would post some videos in the meantime created by me or videos MMD ready made with the motion of other people, I would see .. This is dedicated to all fans of the couple Android 18 (Lazuli) and Vegeta together !!! *In this same alternative world, Vegeta leaves Bulma for Lazuli (Android 18) during the Android saga.

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James gets cross with Edward's being late and calls him "old iron". The next day, James' driver is ill and while his fireman gets a "relief", two boys wander into the cab and start James. Edward chases after him and after a long chase, an inspector manages to hook James with a length of rope and James' fireman checks his speed. The Fat Controller sends Edward to the Works as a reward, the boys are caught by the police and disciplined and James' driver recovers in the hospital. Models By SodorP I OWN NOTHING!

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Long long rainbow より 山岸シュンスケ http://shunshun0130.wixsite.com/yamagisi-shunsuke

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Long time

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She’s developed the new special ability attacks of Snapping the Fingers, With the electricity shockwaves radiation from the distance 150m miles away from the person, It has long cracking sparks all over the body part affected with electric effects, Her energy being drained by half does powers over been used with recharging up again. ====================================== MMD CG Visual Effect: 3D Modeling Designer: James Emirzian Waldementer Powered by Vroid Studio [Crew] MMD CG Picture Skit / Visual Effect Photography / Language Translation James Emirzian Waldementer ====================================== Who Framed Miku, picture skit is the Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co., Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc. TM & (c) 2001,03,09,10,17 Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. All rights reversed.

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