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The year 2016 ends for many of us, while some soon feast the new year in family or with their loved one. (I am in France and I am French, it is not yet midnight to celebrate the new year, but 22:50) Vegeta and Akira spend their new year together as a couple, but before ca Vegeta has something at asked for his sweet akira ^^ for once, It’s been 2 years since Akira exists she was created by my friends Yukina Saturne And for Celebrated, I wanted to create a special pose for the couple Vegeta: my dear akira, do you want to marry me? —- Credits, - Akira by Yukina Saturne - Vegeta “edited” by Karota - Stage by o-deadsilvervirus-o - Pose by Cogeta Cats - Chocolat box by im3749379 - Cake by im6313106 - Flowers by itumonohon - Christmas tree by ketokeas

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