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Lee accused the Japanese and Yoon governments of deceiving South Koreans that the water Japan planned to discharge from the Fukushima nuclear power plant was unsafe. 'If Japan insists that the water is safe, it should be used as drinking water or for agriculture or industry, not dumped into the ocean we share,' he said. He also said the Yoon administration did not stand up for the Korean people and should oppose Japan. Lee also urged Yoon's government to enact the controversial Nursing law normally at a cabinet meeting and warned against splitting the country by vetoing it. He also referred to the talks between the Korean and Japanese governments on the drainage of water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, as well as protests by doctors' associations against the Nursing law.

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眼が好きだな やっぱ日本語と英語の Do you have a plan o You did nice job!

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Godzilla KiryuGoji version by kaxblastard, amalgam/phamser/gastaltamalgam, mmdcharizard. Pacific Rim Gypsy Danger by Shindouga Silver Spoon City by 銀匙 MME Effects: GreenShader SSAO Diffusion 6 SelfBurning Notes: Sorry primary speak English, will use Translator when can. I post normally here: Hope you like, if not, can take down. Babylon Translator: メモ:申し訳ありません主な英語を話し、翻訳するときに使用されます。 私は正常にPOST: では、のように、いない場合は、ダウンすることができたいと思います。

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