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アメリカンな感じでい 最後に絵の具を使った 俺のデッキにも書いて さすが!! コメありがとうござい うおw すごいw

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↑いえいえ、ゾイド世 多分「野良ゾイド」み

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いつもコメントまでも かっけwww 相変わ

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SUPER-Nico a mutant Hamster! After being in contact with the OPA OPA project (A Nuclear bomb) he gained imaginable powers! He's funny, he loves jokes and he loves to help others. His favorite food is Sunflower seeds.

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She is granddaughter of Prof. Asobin, SEGA mascot from 1983. She is history of SEGA- granddaughter of mascot from 80's, clothes of PSO2 and Jet Set Radio, hat is Opa-Opa, shoes are Toejam & Earl, gloves are Burning Rangers, MAGI is AM2 Palmtree. She looks good in human or cartoon. She is great for toys.

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I definitely had the ‘Spirit of Sega’ theme in mind when it came to designing this character. This character combines design aspects from past Sega mascots including the Sonic-esqe hair and rings around his wrists, the Alex Kidd pattern on his shorts and the Opa Opa shoes and ear wings. He also has a Sega Seal of Quality symbol on his shirt, has a Dreamcast inspired design on his short and partially black clothes to represent how many Sega consoles were black.

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MAOさんの【MMD】忘却心中【PV構築キット配布】を使って、作成いたしました。sm30475473 モデルは すっぴんアペミクワンピース(Tda様、化身バレッタ様) モーション、モーション・カメラ・背景AVI、MME (MAO様) 楽曲 忘却心中(オリジナル曲)/Vocaloid-MEIKO(編曲・ギター演奏はOPA様、詞・Asaki No'9様) よろしくお願いします。みなさんありがとうございます。 また、各作成者さんのご迷惑にならないようお願いします。

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