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↑あいつら、デカいし XEXEXの道中にもいま ありそうでなかった なんか増えてますがw 思い直して配布するこ ↑ありがとうございま すごいです…これのや ↑レッツ ビーム解放

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お借りします! かっこいい Un merveilleux, bon

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すっごいなぁ しゅごい・・・・ レベルTAKEEEEEEE すげー

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マイクラ・・・!? うおっマイクラだった えっ?コレ実写じゃな こんなものが自然生成 なにこれすごい 一瞬実写かと思った!

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ありがとう。 cool。いいですね^^ ムキムキだぉ!

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I definitely had the ‘Spirit of Sega’ theme in mind when it came to designing this character. This character combines design aspects from past Sega mascots including the Sonic-esqe hair and rings around his wrists, the Alex Kidd pattern on his shorts and the Opa Opa shoes and ear wings. He also has a Sega Seal of Quality symbol on his shirt, has a Dreamcast inspired design on his short and partially black clothes to represent how many Sega consoles were black.

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"Get the Rings! Get the Emeralds! Get the World!" 元図:http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=45917990

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♪ Halozy ▬ S.A.T.O.R.A.R.E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pEWweProlQ I used the artwork of 朱シオ (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=341747) for this pose. I realize that the rings are bad >

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JPG(1024×1024)→https://twitter.com/celsius220/status/1727961445290442772 「warm rings」

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私は指輪物語からのシーンを再現するためにMMDを使用 Credits: Touhou: ZUN Lord of the Rings: J.R.R. Tolkien MMD: Yu Higuchi MME grass: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18156849 Models: Cirno: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18226242 Byakuren: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17901478 Mystia: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19721431 Reimu: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16945065 Sanae: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17561962 Reisen: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19181449 Koishi: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im2710848 Rumia: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16836128 Genji: 3dcg Wriggle: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im2597043

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Terebishoujo-san would be SEGA Japan's mascot, and Reimouto-inu, her TV remote dog (and "little sister") would assist her. TVshoujo-san's design was inspired by the SEGA Dreamcast Diver edition and incorporates SEGA's signature white, blue, and grey, (as well as Sonic the Hedgehog's gold rings) representing the retro genre that won Sega its fame while exemplifying the cute and new-age animation characters that audiences have come to know and love. If I had to describe the way her voice sounds in my mind, it would be "it sounds similar to the voice of an automated Shinkansen announcer on the subways in Japan."

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動画URL:https://youtu.be/Dx65TL4gbFY (※YouTubeでの収益化は行っておりません) 素敵なモーションに一目惚れして、ぜひ光忠さんに踊っていただきたく動画を作らせていただきました。 セクシーでかっこいいお兄さん大好きです... ^ ^ 今回も素敵な作品をお借りして動画を作ることができました。 配布してくださったみなさま、ありがとうございます! モデル:sam様(sam式燭台切光忠) 曲:Ariana Grande様 モーション:みんば様(※モーション追加あり) 振付:Yechan様 ダイヤモンドピアス:操ちゃん様 スカイドーム:hiro K様、oftn様 エフェクト:下っ腹P様、そぼろ様、Elle様、       針金P様、おたもん様、呉石様、       のりしお様、OH!YEAH様 使用ツール:MikuMikuDance、AviUtl、PmxEditor、GIMP リップ・モーション追加:M

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