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雑すぎるwwwww うぅぅん・・・がんば

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かわいいい みんなかわいいです!

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Nico-Neko is a being who doesn't have arms but it has hands, on his hands he uses Boxing Gloves he doesn't have legs either yet he uses some cool sneakers! NN(Nico-Neko) Can shoot his hands and feet like cannon balls to defeat his enemies or to grab unto high places! Once a Normal cat Nico-Neko was brought into a lab where they modified his DNA so he could become intelligent and obtain his new skills! Later he manages to escape from the lab and starts living in the streets, sadly the other cats consider him a freak and so he lives alone emerged in sadness till one day he finds an old super-hero comic! He reads it (since he's intelligent now)he reads the comic and decides to use his powers to help mankind! Later the lab finds out about what he's doing and so they send other experiments after him. He's joyful and communicative! He loves jokes but he's kinda of a pervert. His favorite food is Chocolate.

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Shooter's Festival 2015 -here is start.でU-heyさんの曲のジャケットイラストを担当いたしました。 公開は4/24(金)19時頃予定だそうです。 もしやっている方がいらっしゃいましたら是非一度プレイしてみてください(主はやったことないです)

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TDA BRS by TDA and Mirinkos

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Nico-Neko is a being who doesn't have arms but it has hands, on his hands he uses Boxing Gloves he doesn't have legs either yet he uses some cool sneakers! NN(Nico-Neko) Can shoot his hands and feet like cannon balls to defeat his enemies or to grab unto high places! Once a Normal cat Nico-Neko was brought into a lab where they modified his DNA so he could become intelligent and obtain his new skills! Later he manages to escape from the lab and starts living in the streets, sadly the other cats consider him a freak and so he lives alone emerged in sadness till one day he finds an old super-hero comic! He reads it (since he's intelligent now)he reads the comic and decides to use his powers to help mankind! Later the lab finds out about what he's doing and so they send other experiments after him. He's joyful and communicative! He loves jokes but he's kinda of a pervert. His favorite food is Chocolate.

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カメラ撮影頑張れとか言われたけど頑張れなかったからもうヤケクソで撮った。  もとにさせて貰った画像

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Pulse gun is flashing upon that can shoot the mirror and glass through the bullets on roommates was heard. James-Taylor Valiant usually the primarily weapons are own unlimited ammunition unleashing leading his going around seek being destroy the enemies them. ==================================================== James-Taylor Valiant Blasting Through Glass --------------------------- [Crew] Digital Artist by James Emirzian Waldementer Development from Project: Who Framed Miku Author of Development Director: James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) James Emirzian Waldementer

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Angel-hero and Bamboo-shoot #Boy #Food #Vegetable

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わかる人にはわかる( ^ω^)

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Bamboo-shoot And Girl #Food #Vegetable

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Machines Sniper Overlooked Loaded from Rifle Rooftop — Selected Red One Period 20-22 --------------------------- Zero One Machines reaching detective targeting at the individual groups goes to another building corporation with victims computer shas encryption, Engaging rooftops equipped to triggers sniping rifle classes waves in directly shoot their human, With focuses triggers tries to range seeks in aiming spot on individual groups walk by streets, And it takes up alarming from surrounding area innovations and investigations crew. ==================================================== [Crew] Lead Art Designer by James Emirzian Waldementer ==================================================== Art was Copyright by James Emirzian Waldementer Copyright (c) Blue Niuxlius Entertainment, Inc.

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光になれええええええ!! 兎と亀41・42話より → sm24318721・sm24452297

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躍動感のあるものは苦手。でも挑戦してみなきゃね 使用銃器 S○LIENT ARMS INTERNATIONAL G17 Tier1

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他のイラストが間に合えば「東方甲州祭・第12幕」出たいな。 正直怪しい・・・

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4/27、1日目G-36にて「THE VOC@LOID 超 M@STER24」に「SHOOT ザ わーくす!」で参加します~。C83既刊の合同誌「みくミクRe:MIX!」と、新しいコピー本もって行く予定です。ブースでまったりしてます~w

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Head shoot

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